Stop Procrastination Chrome Extension
Stop Procrastination Chrome Extension

We, the children of perestroika, strive to change everything. The new season - it's time to update your wardrobe, a new version of the operating system has come out - you need to try it, and the passion for new gadgets … Perhaps this is not only a problem of my generation. The effect of novelty that change brings is dominant over everyone.

The problem arises - change for the sake of change. Things just get more complicated. My washing machine has 12 types of washing, the TV has an operating system, and from my phone I can access the Internet. Change is good only when it makes life easier..

Yesterday I made a small change in my browser. I installed an extension for Chrome called Motivation. Chrome just got easier and the extension made me think.

The Motivation extension changes the Chrome start page. The new tab displays your age to the tenth decimal place. The picture shows my age. I did not think that half of the 29th year of my life had already passed. The numbers are spinning, counting the elapsed time. It's like an hourglass in which your life flows. You realize that you are getting older every second. The desire to waste them on nonsense disappears.

The unnecessary things grab our attention on the Internet with amazing ease. We often visit websites out of habit. I'm not an exception. By default, Chrome shows the most visited sites in a new tab. What eight sites do you have on this page? Mine are shown in the picture.

Chronophagous sites
Chronophagous sites

Turning off the extension, I looked at my top eight sites. Half of them are chronophages. They just steal my life. In moments of fatigue, I discover jokes. In moments of sadness - "VKontakte". Viewing photos of friends or chatting with acquaintances gives the illusion of communication.

I put the extension back. After a few days of use, my findings are as follows:

  1. It's interesting to watch the numbers. This is akin to meditation. The car enthusiast rejoices seeing the beautiful mileage numbers. I have similar feelings.
  2. I feed chronophagous sites with my attention less. All attempts to block them have failed.
  3. The new tab now loads faster. Not much, just a tenth of a second.

This is the main effect of Motivation - you begin to appreciate even a split second. They turn into five minutes in a week. That's about how much you spent reading this post. I hope you were well spent.
