Can you trust the advice on raw food from those who live in Bali?
Can you trust the advice on raw food from those who live in Bali?

Answering the question why a person living in Russia should believe the stories about the benefits of a raw food diet from those who live on the equator, I will say this: yes, a person from Russia should not believe in a raw food diet. You can continue to sit still with sour faces and undermined health. But I always urge you to just try.

Can you trust the advice on raw food from those who live in Bali?
Can you trust the advice on raw food from those who live in Bali?

To begin with, I first started a raw food diet without any special preparations back in Moscow in 2012. Summer, it was lazy, hot and no one to cook. Returning from the studio, I came across a weekend fair, which are now actively lining up throughout Moscow from Friday to Sunday. The trick of the fair is that every seller there is a person, who has their own farms, who carries fruits from the Caucasus.

The guys monitor the quality and are responsible for the goods by the person, because otherwise the next time a person will buy products from another. This is an important difference between live sellers and supermarkets, where unripe and rotten vegetables and fruits are in a common heap.

Summer begins the season of fruits, and I have never eaten better cherries than in Moscow, except in the Crimea, as a child. I began to stock up on fruits, vegetables and nuts for a week, the cooking process was washed and cut. Then I was actively involved in a new startup, my dj-school and production in the studio, so such a diet helped me free up time for my hobbies.

I was also active in jogging in the morning. I got up at 5-6 in the morning, read, and from 7 to 9 o'clock I ran and trained in Tagansky Park. Physical activity was fine.

As a result, over the summer I found myself in excellent shape, got a good sleep and did not complain about anything. A predominantly raw food diet gives real lightness: you don't feel the body, absolute unity with the soul. No sleepiness after a meal, no heaviness, no creative decline.

Arriving in Bali for the first time, I was delighted with the abundance of incredibly tasty seasonal fruits - mango, mangosteen, papaya, rambutan and so on - at affordable prices. Vegetables are not all that good, but if you wish, you can also find them and make wonderful salads from local vegetables and herbs.

Bali is very hot and humid. It is extremely difficult to eat boiled or meat food here, especially during the day, and if you eat it in the evening, then it is much harder to do sports in the morning. I am very active here. Moreover, probably only in Bali I really began to feel and need the strength of my body.

There is transport everywhere in Moscow - here it has sat down, there it has sat down. In Bali, I ride a bike, do boxing and surfing, and any deviation from the norm in nutrition or healthy lifestyle is felt strongly.

In the noise of the city, we do not hear our body, we do not feel the rhythm of our heart, we do not understand what the soul is trying to convey to us.

The city suppresses these sensations in us, hides behind the lights a constant illusion of movement to nowhere.

Answering the question why a person living in Russia should believe the stories about the benefits of a raw food diet from those who live on the equator, I will say this: yes, a person from Russia should not believe in a raw food diet. You can continue to sit still with sour faces and undermined health.

But I always urge you to just try.

I'm not sure if a completely raw diet is worth it (the guilt of rejection will do its negative thing), but a predominantly raw diet (80 percent) is definitely worth it. You can always dilute it with rice, buckwheat, tofu, even noodles, finally. But the main thing is not to clog your intestines by 80% every day with boiled water. And observe the principles of separate nutrition, once again without burdening the body with the digestion of incompatible foods.

In Bali, many people eat ugly, get sick and poison themselves. Everything is like everywhere else. It's just that there are more opportunities for eating perfectly tasty and healthy fruits.

What should a Russian or any other resident of a megalopolis or any city do with this, where winter and autumn go on for more than six months? Yes, get out of there.

I have lived in Western Siberia for 17 years. There is nothing good for health there except cranberries. Money? Yes, they can be earned everywhere, do not be fooled. Well, if you like living there, delve into the local flora, what, where and how it grows, meet local farmers, buy the best products from living people who grow them with their own hands. Then feel your body.

Changing your diet is not a matter of one day. I gave up meat in 2010, and year after year I moved to a logical diet (do not eat another living creature, do not eat boiled or fried food all the time). For twenty-five years I have eaten everything.

If it takes another 25 years to eat in harmony with myself and nature, I'm ready to do it!

P. S. Let me tell you a secret. For the last four months I have been conducting an experiment (partly involuntary) in which I violate the rules of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle, roughly speaking, I live and eat almost the same way as I lived before the transition. I live as everyone lives in a big city and is considered the norm. The results are terrifying, and fortunately there is enough reason to understand that I have temporarily started it. Now I'm just at the end of the experiment, so very soon I will share my observations of how life, perception of reality and tone have changed. Interesting discoveries turned out.
