Thirty-one life lessons for thirty-first birthday
Thirty-one life lessons for thirty-first birthday

Jane Shiiba, founder of the Sheeba Media blog, decided on her birthday to compile a list of 31 lessons she had learned by the age of 31.

Thirty-one life lessons for thirty-first birthday
Thirty-one life lessons for thirty-first birthday

I suggest you take a look at this list and think about your own. By the way, it would be a great tradition - every year on your birthday to sit down and think about everything that you went through and what you understood. Reflect on your life and redefine perspectives and priorities. Why do millions of people do this on New Years, but in their truly true "New Year" they do not get their hands on it?

We read, think and rethink, because life is the best and most strict teacher, and each new year gives a new vision and understanding of the same issue.

1. Life is not only about money

While every penny can be important to you in your job or your business, in life it is still not the most important thing.

I don’t mean to say that money is not important. But people (and relationships) are much more important than any money.

2. It is very important to take any action

Success doesn't come to those who just wait. Success comes to those who take action in this direction. Complaining and worrying makes absolutely no sense without action.

3. Building relationships is a long process

As I said before, people and connections matter a lot. And this applies to both personal and business areas of your life.

For me, my connections are my assets. And I love meeting new people every day.

4. Everyone has their own definition of success

Success is a very relative concept. For some, success is getting a certain number of clients per month on an ongoing basis. And for some, success is the recognition of society.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to compare your success or failure with someone else's.

5. Hard work always pays off

Hard work always pays off. Nothing is more rewarding than hard work.

6. And working with your head pays off even faster

But you don't have to work hard. It is very important to learn how to work with your head. And that work always pays off as well, only much faster than just hard work.

7. Time management does not exist. But task management - yes

Time is a commodity that is given in equal quantities to everyone. Every person, rich or poor, young or old, capable or disabled, gets an equal amount of time every day.

Whether we use them or not, we have 24 hours every day - no more and no less. And we cannot reschedule unused time to the next day. And we can't borrow a minute or two from tomorrow.

It turns out that we cannot manage our time. But we can manage our tasks so as to use the time given to us as efficiently as possible.

8. Organization is a skill

Without organization, you can go crazy with the number of tasks that simultaneously fall on one person.

9. Books are great

Try to read and buy new books regularly. And no matter how many blogs you blog and how many magazines you read, books always teach you something different, something that you would never learn from blogs and magazines.

And you don't have to choose books that are directly related to your area of work. On the contrary, sometimes it is better to buy books that are absolutely not related to your activity in order to expand your horizons. It will refresh your mind and boost your creativity.

10. Watching TV is a waste of time

Simply watching TV is a waste of time and I'm not talking about TV addiction.

11. Health is wealth

Remember to take care of your body. Now you can be healthy and full of energy, but this does not mean at all that you can waste your wealth and spoil your health with lack of sleep, poor nutrition and other bad habits.

And don't sit in one place all day - dilute your work schedule with physical activity.

12. Don't try to please everyone

Don't waste your precious time pleasing everyone. This is simply not possible. If everyone likes you, then you are nobody.

13. Always learn from mistakes

If you are wrong about something - this is not the end of the world! Everyone is wrong - it's perfectly natural. In this case, the most important thing is to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. Find what caused the error and improve your strategy next time.

14. Don't stop at one success

If you've tasted victory at least once, don't stop there. Of course, it's worth celebrating, but don't forget that you have a few more projects ahead of you that could be just as successful.

It's time to raise the bar and move on.

15. Step outside your comfort zone

This is truly a challenge. Many things remain just plans just because people find it hard to go beyond their comfort zone.

But after the first step, you will gradually get used to the new boundaries and be able to move on.

16. Excuses will get you nowhere

Finding excuses for yourself is easy. Everyone can find excuses for anything. But the problem is that all of this will get you nowhere. You will remain standing in one place.

17. It's okay to admit that you don't know or are not an expert

Many people think that admitting that you don't know something is bad or embarrassing. But in fact, you have to tell the truth (that you don't understand or are not an expert) right away. In the future, this will save you from deception and unwanted shame, which may follow a little later after you fail to cope with the task due to lack of knowledge.

18. Help others

Of course, this does not mean at all that you should become a hotline for all those in need and help people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But if you can, you should help.

And you will find that helping others is great. And you can build really strong and lasting relationships.

19. Time is the most precious gift. Don't waste it

Time is the most precious gift. This is something that cannot be bought for any money, returned or exchanged. So don't waste it.

20. Be grateful

Don't complain that you don't have something. More people may not have a fraction of what you have.

What's more, some people don't even have basic survival gear, so stop whining!

21. Learn to be content with what you already have

Do you constantly compare yourself to others? With your friends, colleagues or relatives who are richer than you? Try comparing yourself to someone poorer than you.

And before you reach for new gadgets or clothes, think about how much you really need it? Spend money wisely only on the things you really need, not because your neighbor has greener grass and whiter fence.

22. Procrastination is the biggest excuse of all time

And this is true - tested on our own experience! Who is wrong, let them urgently share your recipe!

23. Multitasking takes too much energy from you

I used to be both hands for multitasking. It seemed to me that in this way I save time, working on several tasks at the same time, and not plodding on one thing.

But later I realized that multitasking was taking too much of my energy. Every time I had to switch between tasks, something like a short circuit happened in my head and I had to roll back a little in tasks in order to refresh my memory and remember exactly where I left off.

24. And at the same time, multitasking is a habit that is hard to give up

Yes, it took me a lot of time and energy to break my habit of doing several things at the same time.

25. Staying focused is the hardest and most important thing at the same time

… In our modern world. Thanks to technological progress, all kinds of gadgets and social networks, we are almost always distracted - anytime, anywhere. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to stay focused and work on just one task.

26. Getting rid of hot temper makes you more productive

I was (and still am) a victim of my hot temper. And every time I hold myself back, I am more productive. On the days when I can't hold back and vent my emotions out, I destroy almost the entire day.

27. Let go of the past and work on the future

You cannot change what has already passed, and you cannot control it. What happened happened, and there’s nothing you can do about it. All that remains for you now is to work on making your future better.

28. Learn to tune in to positive

Internal positive attitude is what grows inside us and then comes out, surrounding us with positive.

And despite the fact that sometimes external factors really are an impetus that changes our attitude towards life to a more positive one, you need to start, nevertheless, with yourself and your inner attitude.

29. Never let negative emotions overwhelm you

Make sure your mind and mind are resistant to negative emotions. There are so many people around who only do what they say all sorts of nasty things and spoil the mood of others, and if you allow these emotions to penetrate into your head, you will allow them to control you!

30. Life is a school and you learn every moment

And every time you realize that you have discovered a new facet in what, it would seem, you already know perfectly, you remember the saying: "Live and learn."

31. Think about what you are doing. Change someone's life

Even when you are making money, you don’t have to think only about yourself and your profit. In any action you have the opportunity to change not only your own, but also someone else's life for the better. Just because you do something for the money doesn't mean it should be selfish.

Do you have such lists? It would be interesting to know more about this:)
