Simple and complex truths people learn in their 20s
Simple and complex truths people learn in their 20s

20 is a challenging age, a time when you must take the leap into adulthood. A lot of things we have to realize at this age. Today we will talk about what important truths people learn in their 20s.

Simple and complex truths people learn in their 20s
Simple and complex truths people learn in their 20s

We continue to share with you important and interesting opinions from the discussions that users like. Today we will find out what simple and difficult truths young people have to learn at the age of 20.

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Following what your heart tells you is not as easy as it seems

  • Working hard isn't everything. You have been taught since childhood that you need to work hard and hard to be successful in life. If you still think that hard work opens doors for you, then think twice. Be smarter and smarter, do not forget that a lot is decided by connections, so not only do your job conscientiously, but also make contacts with the right people.
  • Getting a good job doesn't mean you've gotten rid of all your money problems.… After taking their first job, many 20-year-olds think that financial problems will no longer affect them. But, dear friends, thoughts of money will never leave you alone, because you will have to pay the bills throughout your life.
  • Good friends are hard to find … We usually find our best friends at school or university. Co-workers can be good companions who are willing to help you in many ways, but they rarely become best friends, more often than not just buddies.
  • Life is not fair … Life has never been fair and never will be. The sooner you get used to this fact, the easier it will be for you to go through life. You won't always be rewarded for doing good work. Just because you are a loving and caring person doesn’t mean that your boyfriend or girlfriend won’t leave you one day. You will accuse many of them being unfair to you. But remember, life doesn't have to be fair.
  • Following what your heart tells you is not as easy as it seems … You like something very much. It can be photography or music, or maybe you dream of starting your own business. If you want to make your dreams and plans come true, you have to take risks. Many people are afraid to take risks and already at the age of 20, almost at the very beginning of the journey, refuse what they like.

If in my 20 years I knew that …

Now I regret that in my 20 years I did not know that:

  • Love hurts, but that is not a reason to give up love.
  • Friendship is very important in life, much more important than your job.
  • There are no irreplaceable people. You are replaceable. There are thousands of people in the world who are better able to cope with your work responsibilities than you.
  • Getting married / getting married is a responsible decision that can affect your whole life. This is not the case when you can make a decision rashly.
  • Take care of your health. It is very short-lived.
  • Finding a hobby that you enjoy is just as important as finding a job that you enjoy doing.
  • Don't compare yourself to others, it will only lead to disappointment.

The media loves to feed us with stories of the lucky ones who happened to be in the right place at the right time and thus succeeded. But such people are an exception to the rule, and the rest 99, 99999% of those living on Earth will have to work hard to make their dreams come true.

  • High expectations give rise to great disappointments. Don't be in the clouds and don't set yourself unattainable goals.
  • Don't complain. Either change what you don’t like, or resign yourself and don’t whine.
  • Do not be discouraged by the low salary, which, most likely, you will receive at first in the first place of work. Now the main thing for you is to gain experience, to become a master of your craft. And the money will come after.
  • Don't look down on others.
  • Failure is not a reason to give up. This is a great opportunity to try again.
  • If you know you are to blame, please apologize.
  • If you have forgiven the person, do not remind him or remember your old grievances yourself - this is low.
  • Everyone needs an editor. Absolutely everyone. Even the editors themselves.
  • Watch your thoughts. They really affect your life a lot.

I’m still learning - it’s not always possible to stick to this list, even though I created it myself. But I'm trying.

Quarter Life Crisis

Here's what I learned during the “quarter life crisis”:

  1. Don't Pay Today's Debts Tomorrow … Students are a prime target for lenders. You will be promised mountains of gold for very small interest, but in the end you will overpay two, or maybe even three or four times more. Do not take out a loan unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Success won't just come to you. You have to put in a hell of a lot of effort to achieve it. As a child, we were often taught to follow our dreams and never settle for less. We were told that the most important thing is to love your job. Undoubtedly, this is very good, but reality will quickly dispel this youthful maximalism. You can work in a job you love, but it takes a lot of effort to succeed. Do you want to become a famous artist or entertainer? Train constantly, hone your skills, paint 10 thousand pictures or give 10 thousand concerts. It is hellishly difficult, but constant practice, daily effort is the only way to success.
  3. It's okay not to know where to go next at 20, but it can't be an excuse to sit back.20 years is a wonderful age when you feel truly free: you do not yet have a family to provide and to take care of, you have not yet realized what real responsibility means. If you don't know what you want, then most likely you still know what you definitely don't want, so you shouldn't do work that you don't have a heart for. If you do not want to continue your education, then start actively looking for an area that will be close to you. Do not miss a single chance, communicate with new people who are busy in different fields, and then you will notice how many new doors will open before you.
simple truths
simple truths

Here's what I think about this. But I am sure that this is not all, because this is a very deep question.

At 25, I know that …

Now I'm 25 years old, so I'm not sure I can give a complete answer to this question, but still.

  1. School is over. Now you are your own teacher … You will not be given marks for what you do. It may sound shocking, but sometimes I still wait for the approval of my actions from someone on the outside. You must learn to rely only on yourself, and not wait for someone else to tell you what is right and what is wrong.
  2. Life is not a smooth paved road. It is a winding mountain trail. We are often taught in schools and colleges that by the time you graduate, your life should be fully planned: who you want to work in, what city to live in, what age you want to get married / marry, etc. But life is not a plan on paper. Of course, such a plan will help you, but remember that not everything in life and does not always happen as we planned. Be prepared for the unexpected.
  3. take care of yourself … When we are young, we do not think about our health and believe that nothing bad will ever happen to us. 20 years is a high time to stop being an infantile teenager and start eating right, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and giving up bad habits.
  4. Learn to forgive yourself … Each of us has made, does and will make mistakes throughout our lives. It is very difficult to admit your mistakes, but even more difficult is to learn to forgive them to yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember, no one is perfect. Learn from your mistakes, but don't self-criticize.
  5. Don't judge others … You should always have your own opinion, but remember that you should not be the judge for everyone and everything. I like to argue, I always defend my opinion, but at the same time I remember that no one is obliged to agree with me. As well as I am not obliged to agree with others in everything. Try to treat others with an open mind and always think before you say something.
  6. Don't go to extremes … 20-year-olds often fall into two common extremes: some still consider themselves children and continue to live carelessly and constantly have fun, not thinking about what awaits them tomorrow; and the second, like a mantra, repeat: "I am an adult and a responsible person" - and go headlong into work. A measure is needed in everything. Remember to enjoy life, but remember that you also have obligations.

Simple lessons

I am almost 30 years old and I was fortunate enough to meet amazing people who taught me important lessons. Here are some of these lessons:

  1. In 20 years, you will have to make several choices, the fruits of which you will reap for the rest of your life. Everything is important here, even the little things. Approach everything wisely, do not commit rash acts.
  2. Even if you graduated from high school and university, this is not a reason to stop studying. Learn throughout your life.
  3. Surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your goals. After all, sometimes we just need advice from a loved one, sometimes we need someone to push us, tell us: “Hey, dude, you will succeed! Be brave!"
  4. Always have your opinion, but remember to listen to others.
  5. Praise yourself for your successes and never stop there.


  • Time is the most precious resource you have ever had.
  • Nobody and nothing in the world is what it seems, including yourself.
  • Success does not come to the smartest, but to those who are capable of making decisions.
  • Only the present moment is real. Tomorrow may not come.

The oasis is gone

Fortunately or unfortunately, most 20-year-olds grew up in an oasis. Family, school, even the police - everyone protected and shielded you from the real world.

And now you are 20 years old, you are entering the adult world, but you cannot stop being a child. But the world has changed - no one else cares about you as before.

It is no longer so easy for you to make friends as in school: in the world of adults, there are rules, here they are often "friends" based on the benefits that one can get thanks to the other, and not because you are a fan of one rock group or are a fan of the same soccer team.

To the police, you are no longer a child to be protected. You are a witness or a suspect.

The company you work for is not a school. You will not always be praised for your successes, and you can be kicked out at any time.

Your parents no longer force you to wear a hat or have dinner - you are on your own. If you don't take care of yourself, then no one will take care of you.

Make your own choice

I find the hardest part for a 20-year-old to make their own choices.

Nobody knows how it will be right.

Young people often bury their dreams and plans due to the fact that parents, peers and the media impose a completely different model of life on them, assuring them that their childhood dreams are something that will never make them successful people.

It is important to remember that this is your life and that you must make your own choices. And most importantly, no one knows what will be right.

15 truths

  1. Your mom will always be your very best friend.
  2. We are always taught to be honest, but sometimes you have to be trickier.
  3. Everything is temporary.
  4. Money matters a lot. This is a sad truth, but it is true.
  5. Never get stuck in the past. Life goes on.
  6. The road to success will never be easy.
  7. A person is able to change a lot of things that he does not like.
  8. People are ready to do anything to achieve what they want. Get ready for the fact that even friends can betray you.
  9. Nobody is perfect, everyone has their faults. It is important to accept them.
  10. You should always have a hobby - it will relieve you of boredom.
  11. Don't lose your loved one through stupid pride. If you're wrong, come up and apologize.
  12. Patience works wonders.
  13. Don't judge people, as they say, by their clothes.
  14. Be optimistic. If something is not working out for you yet, it will definitely work out soon. Provided, of course, that you put in enough effort.
  15. Life is short. Live it in such a way that you have something to be proud of.

About the consequences

Everyone should understand that any actions have consequences, and it will not be mom or dad who will have to disentangle these consequences, but you.

Think before you do something, think before you say something.

You are free

Now I am 25 years old, and I often notice that my peers do not want to accept one simple truth - we are free.

They all want to buy a house on a mortgage and pay for it for 10 years, get married / get married, have a child, buy a fancy car on credit … The list goes on for a long time.

I have nothing against my wife, children and my own home, but not now. Now we are free of obligations, and it is foolish to waste this time.

I can go on a weekend with friends to another city, and I do not need to report to anyone. I can pack my backpack and go on a 10 month journey, as I am going to do now.

I will gain invaluable experience. What will my friends do? From the very beginning, their life will flow along a given track: home - work - home.

Remember that it is still worth living for a couple of years exclusively for yourself.

Take action

You are very young, you want to achieve a lot and dream about a lot, but you do not take concrete actions. You think happiness is around the corner.

Give up ephemeral dreams, start acting. Set clear goals. Yes, you may not become an astronaut, as you dreamed in childhood, but you can choose another, no less important profession that will help you make the world a little better.


Ask questions

I am almost 30 years old, and the most important thing is that I understood:

If you don't ask a question, you will not get an answer.

You have your whole life ahead of you. But it goes by every second

  • All people are different. To humiliate and despise someone because of their age or nationality means showing themselves to be a weak and unworthy person.
  • If you yourself do not believe in yourself, then no one will believe in you. You may be a very capable and talented person, but what good is it if you don't use it?
  • We live in a cruel world, but we don't have to live with a cruel heart.
  • Always fight for what you believe in.
  • Yes, you have your whole life ahead of you, but it goes by every second. Don't put off your life until later.

You won't get a second chance

  • You are not omnipotent.
  • You are not immortal.
  • You will never get a second chance to live your life again.

Remember this.

What will others think

When we are young, we are often worried about what other people think of us. Relax. Everyone thinks only of himself. Others don't have time for you.

3 tips

  1. The plans you shared with your classmates during your prom are just beautiful speech that sounds cool. Not all of our dreams come true.
  2. Not all problems come from other people. Some come from you.
  3. Nobody is obliged to figure out the consequences of your mistakes. Count on yourself only.
