10 stories of people who quit their first day of work
10 stories of people who quit their first day of work

From inadequate requirements to a paid microwave oven.

“I realized I had to run”: 10 stories from people who quit their first day of work
“I realized I had to run”: 10 stories from people who quit their first day of work

A new interesting one has appeared on Reddit. In it, users share stories about the most unfortunate first days of a new job, after which they decided not to return.

1 … “I was 17 when I joined a precast company. On the first day, I refused to use the incredibly rusted staircase. My instructor called me a rag and climbed up himself. On the seventh step, his foot pierced through rusty metal and he fell, you could hear something crunching. I called an ambulance and went to my car."

2 … “I got a job as a waiter and burned my hands with hot plates all night because I was not allowed to use a towel - they said I just needed to get used to it. Nope, I'm not going to do this , -

3 … “On my first day at the warehouse, they explained to me how 15-minute rest breaks work. You need to go to the rest room for about 2.5 minutes, then 10 minutes of rest and 2.5 minutes back. It took me 2, 5 minutes to get to my car and get out of there. -

4 … “I applied for a job at my favorite restaurant, where I celebrated my birthdays for several years in a row. I was offered an internship day because I warned me that I was considering several options. I came and washed the dishes for the first hour. Then it turned out that their dishwasher had not taken over, and I was offered to work for a few more hours - with pay, of course. This is not what I wanted, but the staff were nice and I ended my shift by warning the manager that I was not likely to return. He replied that he understood everything and was super polite.

After 2 weeks I was told to contact the owner to collect my salary for that day. I wrote and she literally told me to fuck off and that the internship was not paid. I recalled that the conditions were different, she stopped responding to me. I got angry and brought in the OSHA: they made her pay for both the 3 hours I worked and the hour of the internship. A couple of weeks later I received my $ 40 and never visited the place again."

5 … “In 2006, I got a job at a small independent insurance company. On the first day, the owner (a very, very old man) said that e-mail and fax in the office are prohibited, because he "believes only in communication in person, by phone or by mail." I left for lunch and never came back. It is difficult even to imagine how ineffective such work would be ", -

6 … “I was hired as a waitress with a low hourly wage who was supposed to be compensated by tips. As a result, I washed the dishes for the whole shift, but I still got the money at a reduced rate. A couple of months later, this restaurant was closed due to fraudulent activity."

7 … “On my first day at the burger shop, I was told to close my shift at about 10:30 pm, even though we weren't done yet. The cleaning lasted until almost midnight, and my leg was no longer there,”

8 … “I got a job at a gas station, but I felt very uncomfortable in the presence of a manager. I worked the first day and decided not to return. Subsequently, I found out that this manager pinned another girl in a corner, and she barely escaped. That is why it is important to trust your feelings”, -

9 … “First day at a fast food restaurant, I needed to clean the men's room. I went there and saw feces everywhere: next to the toilet, on the ceiling, on the walls, and even in the sink. I left the toilet, didn't even close my shift and just went home. It's not worth it , -

10 … “When I saw that the use of the microwave in the kitchen was paid, I realized that I had to run away,” -
