Continuo for iOS - the simplest and most affordable activity tracker
Continuo for iOS - the simplest and most affordable activity tracker

To complete the task, it is necessary to show willpower and organize self-control. If you have to cope with the first one on your own, then in the second case, the simple and minimalistic Continuo application can help you.

Continuo for iOS - the simplest and most affordable activity tracker
Continuo for iOS - the simplest and most affordable activity tracker

This application helps you “improve yourself every day”. This is his slogan and goal. In the context of activity tracking, Continuo turns out to be extremely simple. You create priorities and goals, choose a color for them, you just have to remember to mark your progress every day. This is helped by notifications that remind you of the task at a specified time.

Continuo activity tracker
Continuo activity tracker

The progress indication is as transparent as possible. The length of a strip of a particular color indicates progress in a particular activity. If on one of the days you take a day off, a long tap on the date will mark it with ellipsis. You can view your personal success feed in the form of a list or a grid of dates.


The up arrow (bottom of the screen) hides a list of all activities that can be selectively hidden if desired.

The iPhone app does a good job of keeping track of daily activity. So if you've set a goal and don't want to get bogged down in daily procrastination, take a look at the Continuo activity tracker.
