Why am I writing? Max Bodyagin on 20 reasons forcing to write
Why am I writing? Max Bodyagin on 20 reasons forcing to write

Blogger Maxim Bodyagin wrote about why writing is cool and how it gives meaning to life. 20 points that might inspire you to text therapy too. By the way, we highly recommend reading the novel by Maxim "The Machine of Dreams", which can be legally downloaded and looked through on books.

Why am I writing? Max Bodyagin on 20 reasons forcing to write
Why am I writing? Max Bodyagin on 20 reasons forcing to write

Why am I writing?

  1. I am not an entrepreneur by nature, I do not tolerate routine work, I do not pursue supernatural material goods. Thus, it is writing that gives meaning to my life, or rather, it is the core on which all other activities are strung.
  2. People need books. New books. All kinds of: good or bad, entertaining or thought-provoking. When I write, I contribute to the common piggy bank.
  3. Sometimes you are bursting with the desire to tell something, but the interlocutors are interested in talking only about themselves and their experiences. Writing is a great way to recycle your backlog of stories by expressing them in text.
  4. It's the same with life experience. It makes no sense to prove your point of view in disputes, especially in disputes with those who do not own the subject of discussion due to age or other filters. It's easier to describe something that has been lived, making it the basis of the plot.
  5. I love the Russian language, I bathe in it, I cannot imagine life “in another language”. Writing is my way of expressing gratitude to those who speak and think in Russian.
  6. The structure of a film or script today is determined by the financial success that the tape can potentially bring. Everything is controlled by the producers, so it seems schematic and monotonous. In books, I can play with plot or structure whatever I want. I have no boundaries.
  7. Being a writer is awesome. Especially if you do not live in St. Petersburg or Moscow, but in the city of metallurgists. You should see people's eyes when I tell them that I am a writer.
  8. Thanks to social networks, you can instantly track people's reactions to your texts. And when you see that your stories are not only liked, but loved, loved truly, then you will not stop.
  9. Once you understand that writing is a sacrifice, not a way to make money, and you immediately feel such freedom that any other occupation is unlikely to give.
  10. The very habit of writing, feeling the language, not being afraid of either large texts, or such tiny but meaningful ones, like one tweet of 140 characters, perfectly converts into a bunch of other, much more monetary pursuits. Election or advertising campaigns, public relations - the scope is quite large.
  11. When I write, I experience such an emotional stress that cannot be compared with anything else. It is most like a hard drug: first, an all-consuming arrival from inspiration, then withdrawal when you are stuck in a dead end, then the delight of discovery when you get out of this dead end. It's cooler than skiing, cooler than falling in love, and the coolest you can imagine.
  12. Writing work fosters harmony of thinking and logic. Important qualities for life.
  13. Writing fosters attentiveness to people. They are becoming more and more interesting, because each of them is a potential chapter of a new book. They feel it and more often than not they are grateful to you for this interest.
  14. The unwritten book is a challenge. If I don’t take it, I’ll get drunk faster than I get old.
  15. When I write, I learn a lot of new things, a lot of interesting facts from history, culture, philosophy, which I would never have paid attention to otherwise.
  16. Some people think social media posts are bullshit. But if you approach writing a post as creating a story that should bring the reader to the climax and shake him to the core, then everything falls into place.
  17. My lyrics introduce me to many interesting, beautiful and intelligent people whom I would never have met otherwise. They often become the basis for fruitful friendships.
  18. The text is the best conversationalist and the best therapist. I save a lot of money by not using the psychoanalyst. In addition, the text allows me to look inside myself without horror.
  19. Sometimes, when you tell people that you are a writer, some of them begin to twist their faces and say: “I’m also Lev Tolstoy, who do you take yourself for ?!” - or shout that I have no right to use obscene language, or that I owe something else. This opens up the widest scope for trolling and is pretty amusing.
  20. I am never bored.

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