Wonderful Day motivates you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day motivates you to complete everyday tasks

It's wonderful when we have enough strength and desire and will to set and perform any daily tasks, working on which we improve ourselves, make our life better and achieve our goals. Many people give up what they started exactly at the initial stages, when the naive expectation of a quick result is at odds with reality, and it seems to us that what we are doing is not working.

Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks

If you had the will not to give up at the initial stage, then, as a rule, further motivation appears by itself when you yourself see the result of your work. In addition to increasing self-confidence and the ability to move towards a set goal, you are simply drawn into the process, and this process becomes part of your life.

An iOS app can be a great way to visually confirm your confident movement towards your goal. For example, you are determined to get rid of excess fat by signing up for the pool and jogging, and in addition to everything else, learning how to independently prepare tasty and healthy food for yourself that will help you achieve your goal.

In the case of Wonderful Day, you simply enter your daily activities into the application that you absolutely need to do. In the future, the application reminds you every morning of the number of tasks that need to be completed today.

Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks

Also, Wonderful Day offers to mark the fact of completing each of the actions entered.

Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks

A successfully completed task is marked with a green circle, and a task that you, for one reason or another (as a rule, this is laziness) did not complete, is marked in red.

Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks

Over time, the schedule for working on each of the tasks will look more and more like a chain of circles, and your goal is to prevent the red circle from wedging into a beautiful series of green links, meaning that you are really working on yourself and you are doing well.

Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks
Wonderful Day to motivate you to complete everyday tasks

Believe me, over time, the emotional satisfaction from the one-color green chain in each of the tasks simply won't let you find an excuse for yourself to skip a workout today, for example, or eat at a McDuck instead of a healthy home dinner.

| ($0.99)
