Saying "I love you" is not enough
Saying "I love you" is not enough

We are so used to saying “I love you” that we no longer understand how to express our feelings in a different way. Below we will tell you how.

Saying "I love you" is not enough
Saying "I love you" is not enough

“I love you” - these are the words we used to express our warm feelings for a person. However, what if that isn't enough and there are better ways to tell the person how much you value and love them?

Garriet Lerner, first of all a loving wife and only then a doctor of psychological sciences, did a little research on what should replace the three most famous words in the world. The results will surprise you.

Several years ago, Garriet realized that she and her husband had stopped praising each other. They still confessed their feelings to each other and said: "I love you." Do you think this is enough? It turned out not.

You probably know that children of all ages need to be rewarded for their good behavior. It is not enough just to say: "You are the best" or "I love you so much." Children should hear: "You are great for sharing your toys" or "I think you acted very bravely by telling your friend how you felt when he did not invite you for his birthday."

When Garriet realized that she wanted the same praise from her husband, at first she felt a little stupid. It is customary to say that if you are a confident person, then you do not need praise from others. It turned out that this is not at all the case. Therefore, she decided to adopt this habit and began to use it in communication with her husband.

Several months of unusual experiments began. Instead of once again telling her husband the phrase "I love you", Garriet praised him for individual actions. "You joked very funny at the party" or "You got delicious pancakes." And here's what's interesting: the more Garriet praised her husband, the more she herself began to appreciate and respect him. Winning from all sides.

Saying “I love you” is very important, but do not express all feelings and emotions in these words. Praise your significant other and respect all of their accomplishments. And see what comes of it.
