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10 fresh nonfiction books you can't tear yourself away from
10 fresh nonfiction books you can't tear yourself away from

The most interesting publications that came out over the past six months.

10 fresh nonfiction books you can't tear yourself away from
10 fresh nonfiction books you can't tear yourself away from

About 160,000 book titles are published every month around the world. But there are not so many really interesting and useful ones. We have collected the latest 2018 items that really deserve attention. These books have received the highest ratings from authoritative Western publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, have excellent ratings on the GoodReads book portal, as well as positive reviews from readers and critics.

1. “I’m not with you!” By Jia Jiang

“I’m not with you!” By Jia Jiang
“I’m not with you!” By Jia Jiang

The author of the book, a young entrepreneur, has decided on an amazing test. For 100 days, he made the craziest requests to complete strangers. Suddenly, his method worked: the famous singer sang a lullaby for his son, the CEO of Zappos invited him to give a lecture, and the flight attendant gave up the microphone so that the author could greet the passengers on the flight.

The book starts off very briskly. Jiang, dressed as an American Football League player, drives into the first house in Texas and asks a completely unfamiliar brutal owner who opened the door to let him play football in the backyard. This piece captures and does not let go until the last page. And the method used by the author can be adopted by each of us right now.

2. "Utopia for Realists" by Rutger Bregman

Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman
Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman

Open borders. 15 hour work week. Universal basic income. Sounds like utopia. But wait, is it really impossible to realize it in our world or do we just do not believe in our strength?

In Utopia for Realists, Rutger Bregman explains how to literally build an ideal world here and now. And if skeptics are still in doubt, then let's remember that it was much worse before: hunger, 95% of the poor, low life expectancy and terrible epidemics.

To people who lived 300 years ago, our world might seem like a utopia: chariots drive themselves, rockets fly into space, we have conquered terrible diseases, we are successfully fighting hunger and poverty. Now what? Now all that remains is to outline the boundaries for a new "utopia" and purposefully move towards achieving our ideals. And how to do this, Rutger Bregman tells us in his incredibly fascinating book.

3. “NOR SYS. Be confident in your abilities and don't let doubts stop you from moving forward ", Jen Cinsero

“NOR SYS. Be confident in your abilities and don't let doubts stop you from moving forward ", Jen Cinsero
“NOR SYS. Be confident in your abilities and don't let doubts stop you from moving forward ", Jen Cinsero

Jen Sinsero's book is based on personal experience and observations of other people. The purpose of the book, according to the author, is to help readers realize their desires, hear their true voice and finally start living the way they have always dreamed of.

But despite the provocative name, one should not take "NO SY" as a guide to devil-may-care behavior and selfishness. The main goal of the book is to reveal your potential, to awaken an inner voice and love for yourself, without which it is impossible to love others.

4. "Hungry and Poor" by Diamond John

Hungry and Poor by Diamond John
Hungry and Poor by Diamond John

Diamond John, now the billion-dollar company owner and TV star, began his life with incredible challenges. Born in New York in a poor neighborhood. I started my business literally on the street. However, thanks to his perseverance, he was able to come to success.

In his book, Diamond explains why not having money is an advantage, how it develops creativity and helps to find non-standard ways.

5. Astrophysics by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Astrophysics by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Astrophysics by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Many people associate astrophysics with something boring, difficult and incomprehensible. But the book “Astrophysics” by the world famous scientist and popularizer of science Neil DeGrasse Tyson can convince anyone of the opposite.

Its main value lies in the fact that the author simply and with humor talks about such complex macro and micro phenomena as the Big Bang, black holes, quanta and quarks, star clusters, galaxies, that is, about where everything came from and where everything is going. … After reading, you begin to look at the world - tiny and huge at the same time - from a completely different angle. Must read for everyone who is passionate about space.

6. "Book of Joy", Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams

The Book of Joy, Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams
The Book of Joy, Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams

The book, based on conversations between two spiritual leaders of our time - Archbishop Desmond Tutu of Cape Town and the Dalai Lama, tells about the source of enduring happiness in an ever-changing world. The topics discussed by the two spiritual leaders are close to all people. How to find happiness and tranquility in our crazy world? How to accept what is hard to accept? How to forgive someone who cannot be forgiven? How can you feel happy in a world full of suffering?

Although the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu are from different cultures and have different spiritual traditions, their views on these issues are remarkably similar. Despite its simplicity, the book forces the reader to think about many serious topics and question some of the common beliefs.

7. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout

The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout
The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout

Martha South believes that each of us must understand the destructive role that sociopaths play in society and be able to protect ourselves from them. And in this sense, the author was able to show the urgency of the problem and various methods of mental protection.

8. The Path to Character by David Brooks

The Path to Character by David Brooks
The Path to Character by David Brooks

This bestseller is about personal development in modern materialistic society. We strive for success and financial well-being, but we often forget about the main thing. The book makes you think about whether we live right and what is the meaning of our existence.

9. "Superman Out of Habit", Tynan

Superman Out of Habit, Tynan
Superman Out of Habit, Tynan

Habits significantly affect the quality of life: with their help, we can improve health, increase productivity, and build relationships. It is worth spending time and willpower on the formation of patterns of behavior, so that later on to do a lot on the machine. This book will tell you where to start and how to firmly root your habits.

10. “The Right Choice,” John Hammond, Ralph Keeney, Howard Raiffa

The Right Choice, John Hammond, Ralph Keeney, Howard Raiffa
The Right Choice, John Hammond, Ralph Keeney, Howard Raiffa

All our life we make big and small decisions: where to dine, what to wear, where to go to study, what job to choose, where to live. Sometimes this happens automatically, and sometimes it requires serious efforts and a lot of time. The authors of this book, the founders of decision theory, talk about their system that will help you make better choices in all areas of life.
