How to become a morning person?
How to become a morning person?
How to become a morning person?
How to become a morning person?

For many of us, getting up early is very difficult: everything around us is annoying, and we don't even have the strength to pour ourselves a cup of coffee. But it turns out that waking up with the first rays of the sun is not only real, but even very useful.

“I was just too tired yesterday” is a favorite excuse for lounging around. Indeed, science has proven that there are many biological differences between "larks" who feel their best in the early morning and are experiencing a peak of activity before 9 o'clock, and "owls" who are ready to move mountains at night. For example, research shows that early risers are more benevolent and optimistic, and are better learners and workers than night owls. In addition, British scientists (don't laugh!) Analyzed the lifestyle of some people and found that those who sleep before 9 in the morning are more likely to be depressed and prone to being overweight than those who wake up at 7. the fact that "owls" constantly have to adjust to someone else's schedule (alas, institutions cannot be forced to open at midnight), then people who prefer to get up early have an absolute "competitive advantage."

So how do you reset your biological clock and transform from an "owl" into a "lark"? Use the following simple tips.

1. Get enough sleep. No matter how trite it sounds, a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Don't stay up late, shut down your computer on time and go to bed. Then getting up early will be much easier.

2. Develop a mode. Set your alarm at the same time every day (even on weekends!). You will gradually get used to it and will open your eyes even before the clock beeps.

3. Start small. If you decide that you will continue to get up at 6 in the morning, then you should not immediately set the alarm for this hour. The body should be accustomed to a new sleep and rest regime gradually: first set the timer to 8, then to 7:45, then to 7:30, etc., every day move the arrow for 15 minutes until you finally reach the desired time …

4. No delays. Many sleepyheads, having heard the vile alarm clock, press the button "Repeat in 10 minutes" on the machine, without even opening their eyes. The most imperturbable manage to snatch another half hour, or even an hour, in this way. But if you decide to become a "morning person", you will have to get rid of this habit - set the alarm clock away from the bed, and then you will inevitably have to get up to "shut it up". Better yet, just turn off the repeat function.

5. Set a soothing melody on your alarm. There is a good joke, they say, it happens - you have a favorite song, and then you put it on the alarm clock, and you no longer have your favorite song. To prevent this from happening to you, choose a light soothing melody for the alarm clock, preferably without words.

6. Do not cover the windows. It is well known that it is much easier to wake up when it is already light outside the window. Do not close the blinds at night, do not draw the curtains and then, perhaps, the first gentle rays of light will wake you up.

7. Have breakfast. A cup of coffee will invigorate but not energize. The necessary energy charge can be given by food, therefore, when you wake up, do not forget to have breakfast, even if it doesn’t fit.

8. Go in for sports. A morning run will leave no trace of sleep, and a few simple exercises will give strength and energy for the whole day.

9. Pamper yourself. Come up with some kind of "pampering" that will be available to you only in the morning. For example, a hot salt bath or creepy-calorie crepes with whipped cream for breakfast. This will further motivate you to get up early.

10. Just do it! There is such a word "must". And if you decide to become a "morning person", you simply have to get out of bed every morning and banish sleep.
