22 easy ways to get things done faster
22 easy ways to get things done faster

There are plenty of articles on the internet that tell you about magical ways to increase your productivity. But not all of them actually work. In this article, you'll find a list of proven tips approved by tens of thousands of Quora users, the legendary knowledge-sharing service. No magic, just practice.

22 easy ways to get things done faster
22 easy ways to get things done faster

1. Determine what is most important to you and pay special attention to this issue. Otherwise, 80% of what you do today will give you absolutely no result in the long run. Without a definite goal, it will remain a useless job.

2. Sleep, food and exercise can help you triple your results because they increase focus, motivation, and energy levels.

3. The rule of two minutes. If you can complete an action within two minutes (for example, reply to an email or clear a desk), then do it now. If you decide to postpone this matter for later, then, firstly, it will take you more time, and secondly, there is no guarantee that you will do it at all.

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4. The five minute rule. A great way to combat procrastination is that you make it your goal not to solve this “huge challenge,” but simply devote the next five minutes of your time to it. The main thing here is to start, but then you will not notice how you will get to the end.

5. Seinfeld's rule. If you want to be the best at something, then practice it every day. Including Christmas, Easter and Judgment Day. There are no exceptions.

6. Work on your habits. Good habits give anyone a huge bonus in achieving their goals.

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7. Don't rely on memory. You won't be able to keep everything in your head, even if you are a genius. Take notes in a notepad, make to-do lists, schedule on your phone, and so on and so forth.

8. Use as many tools as you really need. Today there is a huge selection of competing programs, services and gadgets. Find the most convenient solutions for your tasks and give up everything else.

9. Discipline is our everything. And the best place to start is with two things: planning your day every morning and writing a short report every evening. This will help you prioritize things right, cut out useless tasks, and do exactly what matters.

10. Pomodoro. This is a special productivity technique that suggests dividing your workday into 25-minute chunks of productive work interspersed with 5-minute pauses. You know.

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11. Always wear headphones. At the same time, it is not necessary to constantly listen to music, it just will give you a reason not to react to the calls of others.

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12. Stop constantly checking your mail. Don't start your day by reading or ending your email. Try to do this no more than three times a day, for example at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm. And remember, your inbox is not a to-do list. Try to reset its contents by forwarding the cases that need to be resolved to the scheduler, files to the storage, and personal correspondence to the archive.

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13. Ditto for phone calls. Who said that you should always be in touch? Unplug your phone when you're busy and plug it in at a specific time. Whoever needs it - they will call you back, whoever doesn’t need it - they will not be able to distract you.

14. Group small tasks. Like checking email, phone calls, Facebook, and so on.

15. Rule MI3. This abbreviation stands for Most Important three tasks and means that every day you need to start by completing the three most important tasks, and plan the rest as you will.

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16. Willpower is limited. Try to make important decisions in the morning, and delegate all the rest, which are secondary and outsiders.

17. The most needed. Always ask yourself what is the most powerful thing you can do right now. Then use rule number 4.

18. Don't waste time chasing excellence. Don't polish your product indefinitely. As they say in the startup world, "If you are not even a little ashamed of your product, then you released it too late."

19. Pressure can work wonders. Use rewards or social commitment to stimulate. The fear of punishment or the desire for praise helps to work miracles, and in the shortest possible time.

20. Plan for procrastination. Sometimes doing nothing and fooling around can give your brain an energetic boost. It is important to keep these processes under control.

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21. Delete. Say no. Ignore it. Break other people's plans. Try to build your life according to your own plan, rather than fit well into the work schedules of your colleagues.

22. Counterfeit incompetence. This is just a diplomatic way of applying the previous rule.

That's all. We hope these guidelines will help you be more productive and manage your time more efficiently. And don't forget to share your opinion with us in the comments.
