How to love monotonous work
How to love monotonous work
How to love monotonous work
How to love monotonous work

Monotonous work is hated by almost everyone - from clerk to director. However, whatever your work, boring tasks cannot be avoided. Most often they are associated with paper documents, sometimes more unusual options come across. Even representatives of the most creative professions face monotonous tasks. Avoiding routine is dubious, but there are several things you can do to relieve boredom.

Let's take a simple, exaggerated example: you move pencils from one box to another, one at a time. Does it seem like it will never end? Here's what you can do:

  1. Organize a reward system. Sweets are best in this matter (especially small packs of M & M's or any others). Transferred a hundred pencils - deserve a treat. If you follow the figure, replace harmfulness with grapes, for example.
  2. Take short breaks. If the work is expected to take more than 3-4 hours, be distracted at least once every half hour.
  3. Try to change the environment during breaks. Don't sit in the same room, walk down the hallway or look outside. Try to stretch your body, stretch your back and neck. You can even make full Try to refrain from checking social media: This ritual can take a long time, and this little weakness scatters your focus and lowers your motivation.
  4. Play your favorite musicif possible. You will notice that the task is completed a little faster and is less annoying. And rhythmic compositions can speed you up even more.
  5. Finally, if you have a very good imagination, turn your activity into your favorite game. Draw a whole video game with your imagination and imagine that you are completing an important quest. Finally rescue your princess from the castle!

How often do you have to do monotonous work? What techniques do you use?
