Nutrition for Longevity: 7 Foods That Will Extend Your Life
Nutrition for Longevity: 7 Foods That Will Extend Your Life
Nutrition for Longevity: 7 Foods That Will Extend Your Life
Nutrition for Longevity: 7 Foods That Will Extend Your Life

Scientists around the world are working to explain the mechanism of aging and find ways to increase life expectancy. Much in this area is not yet clear, but something has already been established with certainty. For example, it is considered unequivocally proven that life expectancy depends not only and not so much on genetic predisposition, but also on our lifestyle, that is, on many small factors: nutrition, sleep, physical activity, which we can and even must control.

We have all heard legends about miraculous overseas herbs and potions that have supernatural healing properties. Meanwhile, there are no less useful products near us. The publication has published a list of the most useful products that can prolong your life.

Broccoli for cancer protection

broccoli protects against cancer
broccoli protects against cancer

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain other antioxidants that help protect healthy cells from free radical damage. When it comes to vegetables, try to eat them raw: a recent study has shown that boiling water has a "washout effect" that reduces the concentration of nutrients.

Whole grains for heart disease

whole grains help fight cardiovascular disease
whole grains help fight cardiovascular disease

Whole grains contain a variety of antioxidants and vitamins, as well as fiber, which is known to help protect against high cholesterol and regulate blood sugar, which will protect you from diabetes. And one type of whole grain - oats - has a unique antioxidant called that provides added protection against cholesterol.

Berries for the brain, bones and muscles

berries provide brain, bone and muscle health
berries provide brain, bone and muscle health

Berries are not only good for prolonging life, they can also significantly improve its quality. Berries are full of antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical damage, and the ones they contain are especially beneficial for the proper functioning of the brain and muscle tissue.

Dark chocolate to fight inflammation

dark chocolate is good for health
dark chocolate is good for health

Dark chocolate contains an anti-inflammatory substance called, which also has antioxidant properties and helps prevent blood clots. But the biggest benefit of these substances is in slowing down the aging process and cell death.

Tomatoes for cancer prevention

tomatoes cancer prevention
tomatoes cancer prevention

Tomatoes are an excellent source of the most potent antioxidant carotenoid found in human blood. It has been shown to help protect against certain types of cancer such as prostate, lung and stomach.

Beetroot as a source of betaine

beets, betaine
beets, betaine

Contained in high amounts in beets, according to the latest research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate adenoma and colorectal cancer. In addition, this substance has a noticeable ability to improve the appearance of the skin, as it is a good moisturizer and osmoprotector.

Walnuts for lowering cholesterol levels

walnuts lower cholesterol levels
walnuts lower cholesterol levels

Walnuts are an excellent source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is a type. Their presence in the body prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves blood circulation, has a cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic effect. Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body and improve tissue nutrition.
