Table of contents:

10 sleep misconceptions that can hurt you
10 sleep misconceptions that can hurt you

Get rid of them and you will start to feel much better.

10 sleep misconceptions that can hurt you
10 sleep misconceptions that can hurt you

1. Five hours of sleep a day is enough

On the Internet, there are popular stories about successful people who became great because they slept little. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon, Dali. But only a few unique people can do this. Most people need,, sleep 7-9 hours - a specific figure depends on age and personal preferences.

Sleeping less will not become a second Napoleon, but rather hypertension, increase your risk of heart attack, depression, diabetes and obesity, and seriously harm your cognitive functions.

2. The more sleep the better

This is the other extreme. Studies have shown that persistent lack of sleep, even after 8-9 hours of sleep, is a sign of cardiovascular disease. In addition, scientists found that those who sleep well have a 30% higher risk of premature death than those who slept enough, but no more than 9 hours. So it's just as bad as not getting enough sleep.

3. Happy couples sleep together

On many so-called "women's" forums, you can find articles that say something like: "If he doesn't hug you when he sleeps, then he doesn't love you!" In practice, however, couples who sleep in different beds are found to be stronger - simply because they get better sleep.

And the lack of sleep makes people irritable and provokes conflicts. In general, there is no shame in picking up your blanket and going to the sofa.

4. Drinking alcohol to sleep is a great idea

Not really. Alcohol can really turn you off, but it degrades the quality of your sleep. In addition, people who drink to fall asleep have circadian rhythms that go to bed and get up later. And that's not to mention the risk of sleep apnea (stopping breathing), which alcohol increases. So if you can't sleep, you better drink hot milk, but nothing stronger.

5. Sleep off on weekends

People who do not sleep much, for example because of work, often reason like this: “The week has been difficult, I am all overwhelmed … But nothing! I'll sleep this weekend and be fine. No, you won't.

A study by Harvard Medical School found that it is impossible to “catch up” the missed time. Sleeping an extra 10 hours on weekends and sleeping 6 hours on weekdays will give you the same concentration as someone who hasn't slept all night. And this rhythm of life also leads to chronic sleep problems.

Another study reports that to recover from one hour of lost sleep, a person needs to sleep normally for four days. And the weekend is unlikely to be enough for you. There is only one solution: go to bed early, sleep as much as necessary for rest (7-9 hours, as we have already said), and do not change this rhythm on weekends.

6. TV helps you fall asleep

Many of us love to fall asleep while watching our favorite evening show: a quiet background sound is good for relaxing. And the automatic shutdown function for this is provided in modern gadgets.

But research shows that people who fall asleep in front of the TV go to bed later, get more tired and sleep worse. And also their circadian rhythms go astray. The light from the screen does not allow you to fully fall asleep: for a healthy sleep, complete darkness is needed. So in the end, turning on the TV does more harm than good.

Therefore, if you hate falling asleep in silence, do not turn on the TV. Better start recording on your smartphone with white noise or barely audible conversations.

7. Sleeping during the day is good for your health

It all depends on how much you sleep. Generally speaking, taking a nap is beneficial because it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. But sleeping for a long time during the day is harmful. Studies show that people who sleep in the daylight at the expense of nighttime sleep increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and even cancer.

Even one day spent in the rhythm of "staying awake at night, sleeping off during the day", cause serious damage to the immune system and metabolism. In addition, the habit of sleeping during the day interferes with the body's circadian rhythms.

In general, the US National Sleep Foundation recommends no more than 30 minutes of sleep per day. Otherwise, you will then walk overwhelmed all day and have problems falling asleep in the evening.

8. People who don't get enough sleep lose weight

Usually, when it comes to people who sleep poorly, we imagine painfully thin individuals with circles under the eyes, reminiscent of vampires. But this is not entirely true: in fact, sleep deprived people tend to gain weight rather than lose it.

A short sleep time is one of the main factors affecting the risk of obesity. People who have sleep problems are more likely to be overweight. Therefore, if you are losing weight, you just need to get enough sleep.

9. Snoring is annoying, but harmless

Snoring not only interferes with others, but can also indicate health problems, such as sleep apnea. The brain receives less oxygen and wakes up the body so it doesn't suffocate.

Because of this, the person does not get enough sleep, feels constant fatigue, and he has an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and problems with concentration. So if your loved ones complain about constant snoring, do not treat it with disdain and go to the doctor.

10. The "Snooze" button on alarms was invented by smart people

Forget that button. Sleeping “just five minutes” after the alarm goes off is pretty bad. Sleep fragmentation is bad for your well-being, increases daytime sleepiness, decreases performance, and makes you feel depressed.

Yes, in order to get up right away, you need a lot of willpower. But this is necessary. However, you can help yourself by setting one of these alarms - then your smartphone will make you run to charge or take pictures of the refrigerator right after waking up.
