Why you should buy an Android smartphone instead of an iPhone
Why you should buy an Android smartphone instead of an iPhone

Why isn't Apple already cake? And is it worth overpaying for the iPhone and the iOS cut-down in Russia? I answered all the questions in this article. So, here are my five reasons to choose an Android smartphone over an iPhone.

Why you should buy an Android smartphone instead of an iPhone
Why you should buy an Android smartphone instead of an iPhone

Reason 1. There is a choice of designs and sizes

Smartphone, Android
Smartphone, Android

My smartphone is the iPhone 6s Plus and I can't say that I am delighted with it. It is obscenely huge, for which thanks to the wide bezels around the display. The big screen is great, but I hate this shovel from time to time, which doesn't fit in any pocket. And there's nothing you can do about it, because Apple has no alternatives. There is either an iPhone 6s with the same design, but a smaller screen and battery, or a tiny iPhone SE in a 2013 case … Hmm.

At the same time, in the world of Android smartphones, this problem simply does not exist. The diagonal of the screen does not rest against the notorious 4, 4, 7 and 5.5 inches. You can take a compact smart with a large screen. There are countless variations on the design and materials of the case. Glass, wood, plastic, even ballistic nylon.

Unlike iPhone owners, for whom everything has already been decided, Android users have the right to choose.

Reason 2. Features that will never be in the iPhone

Smartphone, Android
Smartphone, Android

The iPhone lacks a lot of cool features that have become commonplace for Android smartphones for a long time. Waterproof case, wireless charging, normal NFC support, after all. I can now pay using my Android smartphone, and not wait for Apple Pay to arrive in Russia. And it's not a fact that it will come. You would say that Apple only introduces essential features, not just technology for technology's sake. On the one hand, this is true, on the other - who wouldn't want a quick charge or a waterproof case?

You look with sadness at the new flagship of some Samsung and you realize that a lot of cool features just pass you by.

Reason 3. iPhone in Russia is not as cool as in America

Smartphone, Android
Smartphone, Android

The third reason follows from the second reason, but this is relevant mainly for our country. Every year Apple introduces a new iPhone and iOS with interesting features that will not work in Russia again. We have been waiting for Russian Siri for five years (!!!), Spotlight suggestions have not yet been earned and the Beats 1 radio station is unavailable. On Apple TV 4, by the way, Siri never mastered Russian, which is generally strange. Apple Pay also does not work, although they promise that it is about, already soon, but when this will happen is unknown.

Many people scold Android: they say, updates take a long time. But iPhone owners in Russia are in the same situation. In fact, for the same money, we get a stripped-down version of iOS. So is it worth paying more?

Reason 4. Android is freedom

Smartphone, Android
Smartphone, Android

Many people choose Android because it is an open system and, in fact, you are free to do whatever you want. You can even redraw the entire system, customize the interface for yourself, and there are a lot of tools for this. This is not iOS for you, where the maximum you can change the wallpaper and arrange the icons by color. If you have purchased a stylish powerful smartphone, and the interface is not happy, everything is in your hands. Change the appearance of icons, install third-party launchers, fonts - the customization possibilities in Android are almost endless.

One of the important advantages Android has over iOS is its open file system. You can download an archive with music in FLAC format directly to your smartphone and listen without any dancing with a tambourine. Yes, you can use third-party file managers on the iPhone, but this is a crutch that won't work fine anyway. Therefore, if you want freedom and individuality, your choice is an Android smartphone.

Reason 5. Android can be found for any wallet

Smartphone, Android
Smartphone, Android

If you need to buy an inexpensive smartphone, you definitely don't go to Apple. From the "cheap" now only iPhone SE, which will cost 37,990 rubles. Or a second-hand iPhone 5s, but this is not an option for everyone. But thanks to our Chinese comrades, we have the opportunity to buy an already quite good smartphone in the region of $ 200-250.

Nowadays, stylish middle peasants like Samsung A5 are gaining popularity, which have an attractive appearance, good hardware, but will cost no more than 25 thousand rubles. An excellent option for those who do not need the troubles of flagship devices, but at the same time want to get a beautiful and functional device. The iPhone can't offer that.

These are the five reasons I got in favor of Android smartphones. In the next article, we will look at this situation from the other side, and I will talk about the advantages of the iPhone over smartphones on Android, the pros and cons of iOS and Android.
