Workout of the Day: Burn Calories Without Fearing Your Body
Workout of the Day: Burn Calories Without Fearing Your Body

Five exercises will accelerate the pulse and load the muscles of the whole body.

Workout of the Day: Burn Calories Without Fearing Your Body
Workout of the Day: Burn Calories Without Fearing Your Body

This workout combines cardio and strength training with your body weight. You are pumping your hips, arms, shoulders and abs, and your heart rate jumps more abruptly than during a run.

You should not do this workout if you have heart problems, joint problems, or a lot of excess weight.

The complex includes five exercises:

  1. Burpee jumping "knees to chest" in the lying position and on the way out.
  2. Running with a high hip lift from side to side.
  3. Push-ups with a turn and touch of the foot.
  4. Squats with a 180 ° turn.
  5. Push-ups with bringing the knee to the elbow in the side bar.

Perform each movement for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next. Do push-ups for 20 seconds in each direction.

After completing one lap, rest 60 seconds, if necessary, and start over. Do 3-5 circles. If you can't work for 40 seconds without a break, try doing the movement for 30 seconds and resting the rest of the minute.
