Weight loss checklist
Weight loss checklist

All overweight people think that losing weight is very difficult. But this is not the case! Let's tear down the wall between you and your body that you should like. Follow these 10 tips to help you achieve your desired result.

Weight loss checklist
Weight loss checklist

1. Gradually change your diet

Many, when they begin to lose weight, dramatically change their eating habits. From high-calorie and fatty foods, they abruptly switch to different diets, where there is nothing fatty or fried. Every time you change your diet and lifestyle dramatically, you increase the risk of losing weight failing. Instead of abruptly giving up junk food, try to gradually replace it with healthy one. For example, add a serving of vegetables to your diet in the first week, fruit in the second, and so on. By doing this, you will gradually replace all unhealthy foods with healthy foods.

2. Stop worrying

Because we make the process of losing weight difficult, we are even more worried. Chronic stress aids in the production of cortisol, which in turn contributes to weight gain. There is a link between stress and increased appetite. The name of this link is the hormone ghrelin. If you do not want to find extra pounds on your sides, try to manage your stress or completely eliminate its source, because worries call into question the achievement of your goal of losing weight. In addition, stress increases the risk of heart and hormonal disease.

3. Consume enough calories

When newbies start to lose weight, they keep track of the number of calories they consume per day. And, of course, they are trying to reduce it. This is only partly correct. You need to calculate your rate. And don't try to eat much less than your norm. The body will think that these are hard times, hunger - it's time to slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy. As a result, you can even get the opposite effect - not to lose weight, but to gain it.

4. Do not skip meals

You must eat at least five times a day. This will help maintain the right blood sugar levels and keep you energized. Divide your calorie intake into three main meals and two complementary meals. Calculate your approximate portions and start eating regularly.

5. Keep a food diary

Research shows that a person who keeps a food log for three months is prone to losing weight. Thanks to the diary, you can easily keep track of what you eat, when and how much. Your smartphone and special applications can help you in this. For example, Dialife for iOS helps you keep track of your diet. For owners of smartphones on Android, the Sandwich application is suitable.

6. Drink plenty of water

Many people drink too little water. To burn fat, your body needs to spend a certain amount of water, and you do not give it to him. I and other authors of Lifehacker never tire of repeating the importance of maintaining the body's water balance. Not just for weight loss. This is important for your health. Multiply your weight in kilograms by 30, and you get the approximate amount of liquid in milliliters that you need to drink per day.

7. Go in for sports

If you are obese or simply overweight, then you can lose weight by cutting back on your calories. Ultimately, however, the weight loss will slow down or stop. You need to move more. Sport does a lot of good things for our body. It speeds up the metabolism, as a result of which we burn more calories. Sport builds muscles, strengthens the immune system. You don't have to run to the gym - you can walk a lot, go jogging or cycle. Before starting any exercise program, consult your doctor.

eight. Weigh yourself every two weeks

Stop weighing yourself every day! Your weight can change by 2–2.5 kilograms from day to day. If you weigh yourself every day, you will be upset when you see plus 1 kilogram on the scale. And this is stress! Do you need it? Of course not. Weigh yourself every two weeks. Then you will see progress. We woke up in the morning, went to the toilet - and on the scales.

9. Forgetting the word "diet"

When you start eating healthy food, don't even think of calling it a diet. Calling proper and healthy eating a diet, we program ourselves that this is all temporary and soon we will return to our favorite dumplings, cakes and soda. Remember: you are not dieting, you are changing your lifestyle!

10. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to hormonal imbalance, impair our immunity, mental focus, and so on. Sleep is the restoration of tissues, enzymes, red and white blood cells, and antibodies. In fact, it's like charging your phone's battery, only instead of charging your body. In general, do not forget to sleep for the amount of time you need.

If you want to bring your body back to normal and lose weight, change your lifestyle to a healthy one, which means it’s correct. Get plenty of sleep, drink enough water, eat well, exercise, and your life will change for the better.
