Table of contents:

Winter cross-training for runners: cycling, spinning and hydrorider
Winter cross-training for runners: cycling, spinning and hydrorider
Winter cross-training for runners: cycling, spinning and hydrorider
Winter cross-training for runners: cycling, spinning and hydrorider

Cycling training is an integral part of the training of future "iron men". When the weather does not allow, the pedals have to be turned either at home on a bicycle station, or in a sports club on an exercise bike. Bicycle stands at home are, firstly, boring. Secondly, it is difficult to force yourself to pedal for so long, and the temptation to be distracted by something else or slightly stretch the muscles burning with fire is already too great. Group cycling classes are another matter! Here you have both a team spirit and a coach who will not let you shirk from your workout.

Inspired by the video published on Lifehacker, we decided to make a whole collection. Enjoy! And don't say that it is easy and such workouts are only for girls. Believe me, this is actually very difficult.

What is cycling and spinning

Bicycle aerobics, indoor cycling, cycling, spinning, spinning (indoor cycling, cycling, spinning, spinracing) is a cyclic type of aerobics using a lightweight stationary bicycle ergometer (bicycle). The methods of different programs differ somewhat in the lesson format and the design features of the exercise bike.

Cycling- This is the most common type of cycling aerobics. It is taught in almost all major networked sports clubs. The duration of the workout ranges from 35 minutes for beginners and up to 55 minutes for more advanced ones.

Spinningdiffers from cycling in load balancing. If in cycling it is evenly distributed between the upper and lower body (exercises on a stationary bike can be interrupted by strength exercises), then in spinning, the main attention is paid to the lower body.

Cycling can be compared to cycling, and spinning is like cycling.

Another rather interesting option is hydrorider … During these workouts, the stationary bike is in the water, and you sit waist-deep in water and pedal to the coach's commands.


Actually, it all started with this video.

Video number 1

Video number 2

And this is a workout from the same coach, but in funky style.

Video number 3

And this workout is especially for girls who love to dance. So pedaling is definitely not boring.:)

Video number 4

If you find funky or hip-hop pedaling annoying, a more masculine option may be for you. For example, like Les Mills. There are a lot of different workouts in his program, including interval workouts, and with imitation of riding on hills. In general, you are guaranteed to kill in training.

Video number 5

There are workouts in which work with a stationary bike is interrupted by strength exercises.

Video number 6

There is even a Korean version. Koreans, as always, made a show out of all this.;)
