Table of contents:

What is colposcopy and how to prepare for it
What is colposcopy and how to prepare for it

This examination helps to detect precancerous conditions.

What is colposcopy and how to prepare for it
What is colposcopy and how to prepare for it

What is colposcopy

Colposcopy Colposcopy is a method of examining the cervix, vaginal walls and vulva using a special apparatus - a colposcope. Outwardly, it looks like a large microscope. The device enlarges the image of tissue, and the doctor can see where there are pathological changes, and pinch off a small piece there. Then the sample is sent for histological analysis - this is a thorough examination of cells in the laboratory.

Who is colposcopy done?

The examination is necessary. Patient education: Colposcopy (Beyond the Basics) for women whose cervical smear is abnormal. Colposcopy is also performed if, during the examination, the gynecologist noticed Colposcopy - directed biopsy this is what:

  • any neoplasm on the cervix or vagina;
  • genital warts - small growths on the mucous membrane;
  • irritation or inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).

In addition, the procedure may be sent if the test for the human papillomavirus is positive or if there was bleeding after intercourse.

How to prepare for a colposcopy

In order for the study to give maximum information to the doctor, you need to follow the simple Colposcopy rules:

  • do not sign up for a colposcopy on the days of menstruation;
  • 1-2 days before the procedure, do not have vaginal sex and do not insert tampons;
  • do not use vaginal suppositories 2 days before the examination and do not douche.

Sometimes it hurts during colposcopy. To help keep you calm, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, ibuprofen or paracetamol, before your procedure.

How is colposcopy performed

The doctor can simply conduct an examination and make a special chemical test, or even take a tissue sample for examination in the laboratory.

What to Expect During a Colposcopy

The Colposcopy is positioned in the gynecological chair as during a routine examination. Mirrors are inserted into her vagina to gain access to the cervix. The colposcope lens is brought as close to the perineum as possible, but not inserted inside.

First, a swab will remove mucus from the cervix and assess the condition of the tissues. Then this area will be smeared with a special vinegar solution. Some women experience a slight burning sensation. The vinegar test causes a spasm of the vessels of the mucous membrane, and it becomes pale. And pathological cells do not react to the solution, so they are better seen.

If there are no deviations, this is where the inspection ends. Those women who have found suspicious areas are biopsied.

What to expect during a biopsy

Most often, the doctor pinches off the tissue for the Colposcopy study at the border between the healthy and altered mucous membrane of the cervix. For this, the gynecologist uses a special surgical instrument that resembles forceps. Anesthesia is not required. The resulting sample is placed in a fixing solution and sent to the laboratory.

Sometimes during colposcopy, abnormalities are found in the tissues of the vagina or vulva. You can also take a biopsy there, but the doctor will first give you an injection of a local anesthetic.

What will happen after colposcopy

Usually a woman feels Colposcopy is normal. Occasionally 1-2 days may be disturbed by a slight pain in the vagina, easy bleeding or dark spotting. To avoid complications, you should not use tampons, have sex and douche during the week.

But sometimes after the examination, menacing symptoms appear Patient education: Colposcopy (Beyond the Basics):

  • Severe bleeding from the vagina. It is dangerous if the pad fills in 2 hours or less, or if the blood flows for more than 7 days.
  • Offensive vaginal discharge.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, from which analgesics do not help.
  • Body temperature is above 38 ° C.

In these cases, you need to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

What are the results of colposcopy

A laboratory response is usually ready in 1–2 weeks. If the Colposcopy - directed biopsy lining of the cervix, vagina, and vulva is smooth and pink, this is normal. The following changes indicate pathology:

  • abnormally located vessels;
  • thinned areas of the mucous membrane, or atrophy;
  • polyps of the cervix - small outgrowths on the mucous membrane;
  • genital warts.

Sometimes dysplasia is found in the tissues of the cervix, and this is already a precancerous condition. It is designated by the Latin abbreviation CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - "cervical intraepithelial neoplasia").

After receiving the result of the colposcopy, the doctor will give further recommendations for Colposcopy. So, with dysplasia, cauterization with liquid nitrogen, laser or radio frequency radiation may be required. And in severe cases, a more serious intervention is performed and sometimes most of the cervix is removed.
