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An easy way to lose weight, which many have not even thought about
An easy way to lose weight, which many have not even thought about

Diets, pills, video courses … But in fact, it's easy to lose weight if you know how. I got rid of 29 kg and did it with no effort at all. I know what I'm talking about. In this article I will share one of my secrets.

An easy way to lose weight, which many have not even thought about
An easy way to lose weight, which many have not even thought about

About myself

Yes, 8 years ago I was much fatter.


On the left I am 20 years old, I weigh 99 kg with a height of 173 cm. On the right - I am today, 29 kg lighter.

I barely found at least some photo where I was "at the peak". I tried to avoid the camera then. I think many fat men will understand me now.

I wrote all this to show: I KNOW what it is like to be fat.

The only way to lose fat

Did you know there is only one way to lose fat? It can only be burned with physical activity. No other way.

All people who rub something on themselves, take a steam bath, drink diuretics, laxatives, or simply starve are doomed to failure.

90% of all our fat is "burned" in the muscles in the presence of oxygen. This must be understood in order not to build illusions about the next super diet. You will have to lift your fifth point and move it along all coordinate axes. Every day.

“You have to move to lose weight” - is that obvious? For many, no.


- Walking? No, seriously, walking ?!

- Aha!

- The article is either stupid to the point of impossibility, or naive! I run in the morning, swim, go to the gym, and that doesn't help, but is it just a walk?

I agree, "walking" does not sound serious. This is how much you need to stride?

But I got rid of skepticism after reading the book of Dr. Kovalkov "Victory over weight". The author argued that walking is an important component of losing weight.

Anything can be asserted, but my life has confirmed this too.

Doctor's opinion

Below I will give a few quotes from the book “The Technique of Dr. Kovalkov. Victory over weight”.

90% of all fat in the body is oxidized or burned in the muscles in the presence of excess oxygen. Moreover, such fat oxidation can occur both in working muscles and in muscles at rest, but in working muscles, fat oxidation increases many times over.

With limited mobility and physical activity, the ability of muscles to oxidize fat is sharply reduced.

This was confirmed by researchers at the University of Michigan, who found that regular exercise increases the ability of muscle tissue to process fatty acids. The more you move, the more actively your body develops the ability to burn fat. That is, trained people are able to oxidize a larger percentage of free fatty acids even with normal walking.

People who are not used to regular aerobic exercise have a better ability to activate fatty acids than oxidize them. As a result, a significant part of the fat is converted into triglycerides and again deposited in the subcutaneous fat. Numerous studies have also revealed that most of the slow fibers (capable of receiving energy from fat oxidation) are concentrated in the large muscles of the legs.

The conclusion suggests itself: you can wave your arms for hours in aerobics class and not lose a bit of weight, but you can just walk down the street every day, and the fat will melt before your eyes. This is quite logical! Do you agree?

One study at Loughborough University in the UK found that just one hour of brisk treadmill walking altered the levels of two appetite-regulating hormones, ghrelin and the YY peptide. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite. Peptide YY, on the contrary, reduces it: it is produced in the intestine and, entering the brain with the blood, suppresses the center of hunger. It turned out that after an hour of training on a treadmill, the level of ghrelin in the blood drops sharply, and the level of the YY peptide increases. All together leads to a decrease in appetite! That is, when you do aerobic exercise, you do not want to eat.

Strength training worked in the same direction, but to a lesser extent, as it only affected one of these hormones. She reduced the ghrelin content, while the YY peptide remained at the same level. Appetite decreased for a short time, but the effect was noted by all athletes. After a treadmill, it lasted about an hour, and after strength training - half as much.

During intense exercise, carbohydrates are consumed in the muscles, and the formed by-products (acetone, lactic acid) block the processes of fat oxidation. Muscle relaxation after such excessive loads also inhibits them. And what is very important, such training dramatically increases the appetite.

Scientists from the Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece) have proven that walking calmly helps you lose weight better than running fast! For 3 months, they followed two groups of women. Some were walking, others were running. The load was calculated so that everyone lost 370 kilocalories per session. As a result, each member of the first group lost an average of 3 kg, and the second - less than two. As the researchers explain this result: "Women who exercised more intensively ate more and spent their free time passively." They were tired.

The bottom line is simple: a lot more fat will be burned if you exercise regularly, but in the optimal mode - without shortness of breath, a hundred sweats and violence against yourself. Normal walking is ideal in this sense. What you already do every day on your way to work or to the store. Of course, for an hour of walking, you will use up much less energy than during the same running time, but it is fat that will burn at the same time, since it gives energy during medium and low-intensity loads.

And even if at the same time you lose only forty grams, a number of more important processes will take place at the same time:

  • metabolism will switch to fat consumption: the work of special hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine) is activated;
  • mood will improve, muscle tone will increase, due to which energy will be spent throughout the day;
  • the need for chocolates and the total amount of food consumed will decrease. The craving for constant snacks and hearty dinners will gradually disappear.

Consider for yourself: fat will burn during training and will be consumed for a long time after it. As a result, you will eat less - the benefits are quite obvious!

The more "diaphoretic" the load with which a person decides to lose weight, the less chances of success.

“A cyclist on the Tour de France starts burning fat in just five minutes. For an ordinary person in training - no earlier than fifteen minutes later. But this is provided that he walks, pedals or does aerobics at an average pace. In an unusually high load, the untrained runner consumes mainly carbohydrates. And as soon as the carbohydrate energy runs out, he simply collapses without strength. He is stopped by shortness of breath, muscle pain, the feeling "That's it, I can't take it anymore!" And he really cannot: muscles have not yet been trained to extract energy from fat at such a rate. And they use carbohydrates very inefficiently - not burning glucose molecules, but simply breaking them down. In this case, much less energy is released. That is why an untrained person cannot run and swim for an hour in a row without stopping. He simply has nowhere to take energy for this."

Andrey Voronov Doctor of Biological Sciences, physiologist

The result of such violence against oneself is immense fatigue, forcing the rest of the day to spend in a horizontal position. Appetite increases: when carbohydrates are burned, blood sugar levels drop, and the body insistently demands food.

As a result, a decadent mood appears: “And why am I torturing myself like that, there’s no point anyway!”

Intense training not only does not help you lose weight, but, on the contrary, interferes with this process. If your heart rate goes off scale and you are short of breath, then you cross the aerobic threshold (stop burning fat) and the body starts working in the anaerobic zone ("eat" muscles).

Imagine a brazier and embers. If you cover them with a tarp, blocking the access of oxygen, the coals will almost go out, but if you fan them, a bright flame will appear. Exactly the same processes are triggered when walking. After all, any combustion is an oxidation process, and, according to the laws of chemistry, it can only take place in the presence of oxygen.

Therefore, any physical exercise should be done in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area, constantly monitoring your breathing. Oxygen is needed to burn fat, and there must be a lot of it in the surrounding air!

One of the largest muscles in the human body is the leg muscles. During work, they consume the maximum amount of energy and at the same time they slowly get tired. Oddly enough, these muscles are most developed in fat people, because they have to carry dozens of extra pounds every day. So use it! Use your legs to the fullest.

It's easy to start walking

All YY peptides and triglycerides are great, of course, but I would also like to tell in my own words why walking is cool.

Look: it's easy to start walking. You walk, breathe air - the body simply refuses to perceive it as a sport. But all fat people know how difficult it is to force yourself to get up in the morning for a run! The body whispers: "Don't get up … Don't run … Let it go …"

This is not the case with walking. It is pleasant for everyone to walk. And simply: got up and went. No special form or inventory is needed. Free again. And how much does a subscription to a fitness center or a swimming pool cost today?

Shyness when playing sports

Of course, it's great to run when you're handsome and fit. Everyone looks at you with approval and envy. Mothers say to their children: "Look, what a fine uncle, he runs, plays sports."

What happens if a fat man is running?

Giggle! They point a finger at him and make jokes like "Elephants run to the watering hole."

This picture immediately appears in the head of a complete person:

Have you ever seen young fat girls in the pool? No? And why? They need it. And because the last thing they want is to expose all their folds to the public.

And here we again see the beauty of walking. You walk along the sidewalk, no one notices you. Where are you going? Who cares? Maybe to work or to the store. You play sports, but nobody sees it.

That's what you need!

No injuries

The life hacker is where many runners live. I myself am a big fan of this sport.

But running isn't for everyone. Now I even put out of parentheses everything that the doctor wrote above.

If you are 30 or more pounds overweight, running is very difficult and dangerous. All body systems begin to work under tremendous stress. Injury or illness is inevitable.

I have four friends who are seriously overweight. All of them are somewhat preoccupied with this and sometimes make timid attempts to go in for sports. Their choice? Running, tennis and football.

As a result, two of them received a severe knee injury (one had to install some metal structures) and will never be able to play active sports again. The third one has the same problem now. Hope everything works out.

This is no coincidence. You can't just take it and start actively practicing. Therefore, every time I repeat to my fourth fat friend: “Seryoga, you don’t need tennis. Throw off at least 20 kg. Kill your knees. Is he listening to me …

And walking is devoid of these disadvantages.

Anyone can do it: people of any age, with any degree of obesity. Let it be slow, let it limp.

Walking is the perfect sport for a fat-minded man. It will be very convenient for you to adjust the load by slowing down or increasing the pace. There are days when I walk for 8 hours. And you know what? The next day I feel like a "cucumber". Nothing hurts.

Impact on appetite

After aggressive physical activities - a wolfish appetite. And the person begins to gorge on everything that he threw off. With walking, I do not observe this (and the doctor confirms).

“I don’t have time to walk”

“I am a working person, I have two children, where will I get so much time from? It's easier for me to get up early, while everyone is asleep, and run a couple of circles around the stadium. Let the retirees who have plenty of free time go in for walking."

Favorite objection - no time because of work.

But walking has one unique advantage over other sports: you can work at the same time!

I complete up to 20% of all tasks on the go. Recently I wrote about this in detail here, I will not repeat myself. So, nothing would have come of this venture if it had not been for the opportunity to work while walking. By the way, this article is written that way.

Balanced diet

It is naive to think that only walking will pull the "hippopotamus" out of its "swamp". If you don't pay attention to your diet, nothing will come of it. Personally, I am not an ardent supporter of any direction such as a raw food diet, vegetarianism or separate meals. I think any reasonable system that is balanced will do:

  • for proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • the volume of water and plant fiber;
  • time of taking and the amount of food.

I advise you to bypass all kinds of diets, which are just an example of an unbalanced diet. They can only give a temporary effect or have a detrimental effect on your health.

A lot of books have been written about proper nutrition, only few people read them. Everyone needs a formula. For example, "red foods are eaten on even days, and green foods on odd days."

Summing up

Include light activity in your daily schedule.

Leave some of the work, like me, while walking. Or just take a walk. Get a dog.

Such activities are suitable for everyone. Both thick and very thick. Both young and old.

Walking quietly will take away kilogram after kilogram from you, until after a while you find yourself slim, fit and athletic.

Well, have I convinced you? No? What's stopping you?

I look forward to your comments. Write!
