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How to decorate Easter eggs
How to decorate Easter eggs

Decorating Easter eggs can be really fun for the whole family. Therefore, Lifehacker has collected several ideas for the original decor.

How to decorate Easter eggs
How to decorate Easter eggs

But before we get started, let's agree to use not ordinary hard-boiled eggs, but only the shells from them.

First, the eggshell is only 0.3-0.4 mm thick. In our work, we will use glue, varnish and other chemicals - it is unsafe to eat eggs processed with them. Secondly, is it possible to break, clean and eat a masterpiece created with your own hands?

It's easy to get a whole, empty shell. Use a needle to poke small holes at the top and bottom of the egg. Then blow into one of them. The white and yolk will flow out quickly and easily.

Happened? Fine! You can start.

Unusual coloration

Traditionally, the Easter egg is red (a symbol of life and rebirth). It was in this color that the egg presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius was painted.

Easter eggs these days shine with all the colors of the rainbow. For painting, buy a ready-made set of food colors or use folk recipes (onion peel, beet juice, and others).

At the same time, eggs with patterns look very beautiful. To get original ornaments, glue flowers, circles, stripes and other stencils on the egg before coloring, or wrap it with lace. Then dip the egg into the dye. After 3-5 minutes, take it out and let it dry. Then remove all stickers. You will get a bright Easter egg with a unique pattern.

Easter eggs
Easter eggs

Another original method is fabric dyeing. To do this, we need silk or chiffon fabric with a bright pattern (other “fading” fabric will do as well), white cotton fabric and vinegar.

We wrap the egg with a colorful piece of fabric so that we get a "bag". Try not to wrinkle - the fabric should fit snugly against the shell. Sew the "bag" on one side.

We wrap it on top with cotton material.

Prepare a water-vinegar solution (2 cups of water for 3 tablespoons of vinegar, heat to a boil) and dip the eggs wrapped in a cloth into it. After 10 minutes, take them out, cool and remove the fabric. It turns out very beautiful colorful Easter eggs.

Dyeing with fabric
Dyeing with fabric


Decoupage is a popular hand-made technique. It consists in the fact that paper napkins or special decoupage cards are glued to a variety of surfaces - from wood to glass.

Eggshells are also great for decoupage. To decorate an Easter egg using this technique, you will need:

  • primer (or white acrylic paint);
  • three-layer paper napkins with patterns;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic lacquer.

All of these can be purchased at handicraft stores. The first step is to prime the egg. It is more convenient to do this not with a brush, but with a foam rubber sponge, with light patting movements. While the soil is drying, cut out the pattern from the napkin with which you want to paste over the egg. Separate the top layer from the napkin (the one on which the drawing) - we do not need white layers.

Wrap the egg with a napkin and glue. In this case, it is better to apply the glue from above, directly onto the napkin and distribute it with your fingers. After the egg is dry, cover it with acrylic varnish - it will give a beautiful glossy shine.

The decoupage technique is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If you are a beginner, then it will not be easy to gently glue the oval egg with a napkin without wrinkles. Therefore, it is better to use small patterns that do not cover the entire surface of the egg. In this case, you do not need to prime the shell - just paint it first.

Decoupage Easter eggs
Decoupage Easter eggs

Threads and ribbons

A dyed or plain white Easter egg can also be decorated with satin ribbons.

The holes we made at the very beginning will help with this. Pass the ribbon through the egg, tie a bow at the bottom (in the wider part), and make a loop at the top. You will get an original Easter decoration that creates a festive mood in the house.

The egg can be wrapped with ribbons and on top - along or across. Or make small flowers out of ribbons and glue them to a painted egg.

Decorating Easter eggs with ribbons
Decorating Easter eggs with ribbons

A difficult, but very beautiful version of Easter decor - crocheted eggs. Download the diagram on the Internet and tie the "cover". Slip it over the egg and pull off the top with a satin ribbon. Decorate the egg with a bow or fake bow tie.

Tying Easter Eggs
Tying Easter Eggs

The proposed ideas are just a runway for your imagination. Get inspired and create your own miracles!
