Table of contents:

When a child begins to hold his head and how to help him with this
When a child begins to hold his head and how to help him with this

There is a certain age by which most healthy children should learn this skill.

When a child begins to hold his head and how to help him with this
When a child begins to hold his head and how to help him with this

How a child learns to hold his head

Immediately after birth, the child cannot hold his head in weight: the muscles of his back and neck are too weak for this. But every day he is gaining strength.

The baby gains control over muscles and the necessary coordination of movements in several stages Baby milestones: Head control.

From birth to 1 month

A child, with all his will, is not able to hold his head, which is too heavy for his little body, on his own. Therefore, if you need to lift the baby, be sure to hold the head with your palm at the back of the head.

1 to 3 months

By the first month of life, the child will get stronger and, lying on his stomach, will be able to raise his head and even turn it in different directions. By 6–8 weeks, the most nimble ones learn to lift their heads off the surface while lying on their backs.

Also at this age, children become strong enough to maintain a stable position in the car seat - this is important when the car enters a sharp turn or brakes sharply. But it is too early to put the baby in a stroller or a backpack for carrying behind the back.

3 to 5 months

By this age, muscle control is already good. There is enough strength so that a baby lying on his stomach can raise his head by 45 degrees and hold it in this position for a long time - for example, watching toys or adults.

You can stop supporting the child under the head by lifting it. It's time to take a closer look at a stroller instead of a horizontal cradle: children are trying to sit down, and the nimble ones are already sitting. Baby milestones: Sitting on their own, without support.

5 to 6 months

At 5-6 months, the average child confidently holds his head and turns it in all directions. It's time for new achievements - attempts to crawl or climb.

When the child starts to hold his head

Based on the steps listed above, the following is clear.

By the age of 6 months, the acquired coordination and muscle strength already allow a healthy baby to hold his head.

If the skill has not been acquired or the parents think that the baby does not hold his head confidently enough, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

However, it is worth showing care a little earlier - about 3 months. If you see that the child is trying to lie on his stomach, but cannot tear his head off the surface in any way, it will not hurt to share the observations with the pediatrician.

Just don't worry ahead of time. Children develop and acquire skills at different rates. For example, babies born prematurely may lag slightly behind their peers. This is totally normal. However, for personal peace of mind, do share your concerns with your child's doctor.

How to help your child learn to hold their head

This question is rarely raised. As a rule, children learn this skill faster than parents start to worry.

If you still want to speed up the natural course of events, here are two simple guidelines.

1. For a baby under 3 months old: lay it on the belly more often

At this age, the baby should sleep on its back. But when he is awake, make sure he spends as much time as possible lying on his stomach.

To see what is happening around, the child will have to raise his head. And it will be an excellent training for coordination and corresponding muscles.

2. For a child from 3 to 6 months: sit him regularly

In a safe place and with adequate support for your back, head and neck, of course. For example, use pillows or sit your baby on your lap with his back to you.

Once in this position, he will notice a lot of interesting things around. And he will look around, stretching his neck and turning his head in different directions. These exercises also train muscles and coordination.

Never leave a child of this age in a sitting position without reliable support and supervision.

The baby can tip over, which is dangerous.
