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What is the ideal room temperature for sleeping
What is the ideal room temperature for sleeping

If the room is too hot or cold, you can forget about good rest.

What is the ideal room temperature for sleeping
What is the ideal room temperature for sleeping

About 30% of the world's population suffers from insomnia. One of the reasons may be the wrong air temperature in the room. We figure out how it affects sleep and what thermometer readings can be considered ideal.

What temperature is suitable for adults and children over two years old

The optimal indicator, according to doctors, is between 16 and 19 ° C. This is due to the temperature of the human body. During the day, it changes in accordance with the circadian rhythms. If your regime is not violated, then in the evening, when you already feel sleepy and are getting ready for bed, the body temperature begins to decrease slightly due to vasodilation. And it will continue to fall throughout the night, reaching its lowest point at about 5 am.

Studies show that too cold or hot indoor air interferes with natural physiological processes: the body does not give off heat, the temperature does not drop. As a result, the quality of sleep suffers: it becomes restless, superficial, the deep phase is shortened.

What temperature is suitable for children under two years old

The thermoregulatory system in children of this age does not work as well as in adults. In addition, babies should not be covered with too heavy and warm blankets: they can close the airways of the child and he will suffocate. Therefore, the temperature in the room can be 1–2 ° C higher than that of adults. But ideally it should still not exceed 20 ° C.

For young children, not only air temperature is important, but also clothes. It should not be too warm: overheating increases the risk of sudden infant death. Cotton pajamas and sleeveless sleeping bag and natural breathable fabric are enough.

Feel your baby's neck and abdomen to make sure he is not hot. If the skin is hot and damp, remove one layer of clothing from the baby.

How to maintain an optimal temperature

  • Do not let the room overheat during the day. Adjust the temperature of the battery during cold weather and close curtains or blinds during hot weather.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime, open the windows and ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner, if there is one.
  • Choose bedding and sleepwear made from natural, breathable fabrics.
  • Avoid blankets that are heavy and too warm. Give preference to lighter options. In the summer, you can even get by with a sheet or duvet cover.

Bonus: tips for a comfortable sleep

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, green and black tea, energy drinks) after dinner, especially in the evening.
  • Keep the bedroom dark. Turn off all lights, use blackout curtains and sleep masks. The light that enters the room at night interferes with the production of the hormone melatonin, which leads to sleep disturbances.
  • Provide silence. Disable gadgets that may hum and wake you up. Use ear plugs if necessary.
  • Create your own bedtime ritual. It can include a warm bath, meditation, a glass of milk and honey, giving up gadgets, or switching screens to night mode.
