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How to open a stubborn lid on a can
How to open a stubborn lid on a can

Hot water, scotch tape, rubber gloves and more will come to the rescue.

How to open a stubborn lid on a can
How to open a stubborn lid on a can

If the screw cap does not work, use one of the suggested methods. They will help you open the jar without exerting unnecessary physical effort.

1. Dip the neck of the jar into hot water

For example, place it in a bowl of water or simply place it under the tap. Hold it like this for a minute and try to open it again. The heat will expand the lid material, and now it will easily give in.

You can do the same with a hair dryer. Just keep in mind that the glass will also heat up from it, and grab the jar with an oven mitt.

2. Tap the can on the edge of the table

Namely, the place between the lid and the neck of the container. Just knock lightly to avoid breaking the glass. A few blows should be enough to loosen the cover. If you're worried about breaking glass, tap the sides of the lid with a wooden spoon. This will give the same effect.

3. Tap the bottom of the can

Forget about the lid for a second. Turn the can over and tap the bottom with your palm. The content will move, from this the pressure inside will change - and it will be easier to open the lid.

4. Wrap the lid with a towel

This will increase the traction and help you to unscrew it, especially when your hands are wet or greasy. Both tissue and paper towels will work. You can also wear rubber gloves and open the jar with them.

5. Loosen the cover with a knife

Just be careful not to cut yourself. Slide the tip of the knife under the cover as far as you can and wiggle it from side to side. Do this from different sides. You will hear a click shortly. This means that the lid can be opened. Instead of a knife, you can use a spoon or screwdriver.

6. Make a "pen" out of scotch tape

To do this, you need strong adhesive tape, for example, construction tape. Electrical tape will work too. Wrap the tape around the lid, leaving the edge hanging off. Now pull on it to open the cover. We wrote more about this method here.
