Table of contents:

22 useful extensions for a novice programmer
22 useful extensions for a novice programmer

Extensions for Chrome and Visual Studio Code that make a lot of coding tasks easier and save you time.

22 useful extensions for a novice programmer
22 useful extensions for a novice programmer

Chrome extensions

extensions for programmers: Chrome
extensions for programmers: Chrome

1. WhatFont is an easy way to find out which font is used on a particular site in order to find it and use it in your projects.

2. Pesticide is a tool for outline highlighting and CSS modifications. Useful when mastering the block layout model.

3. Colorzilla is a tool for getting accurate colors from websites. For convenience, the color code is copied directly to the clipboard.

4. CSS Peeper is an extension for viewing colors and assets used on websites: illustrations, text documents, layout files, video files.

5. Wappalyzer is a utility that allows you to identify content management systems, frameworks, server software, analytics tools and other technologies used on sites.

6. The React Developer Tools are a useful tool for debugging React.js applications.

7. Redux DevTools is a tool for debugging applications using Redux.

8. JSON Formatter is an extension to simplify the readability of JSON with syntax highlighting, indentation, clickable links.

9. Vimeo Repeat and Speed is a simple extension for speeding up the Vimeo video service, which is useful when watching video tutorials.

Extensions for VS Code

extensions for programmers: Visual Studio Code
extensions for programmers: Visual Studio Code

10. Auto Rename Tag is an extension for renaming HTML tags. When you change the opening tag, the closing tag will automatically change.

11. HTML CSS Support - CSS support for HTML documents with syntax highlighting, connecting remote CSS files and other useful features.

12. HTML Snippets are ready-made snippets to save time.

13. Babel ES6 / ES7 is a JavaScript Babel highlighting and syntax checking tool.

14. Bracket Pair Colorizer is a tool for coloring opening and closing brackets with specific colors to quickly find them.

15. ESLint - ESLint integration into Visual Studio Code to check the quality of your code and find bugs.

16. Guides - Adds additional guide lines to your code to make it easier to find opening and closing elements.

17. JavaScript Console Utils is a utility to simplify the creation of useful console.log () instructions, including quick insertion of code to log a selected variable.

18. Code Spell Checker is an extension for quick code spelling checker.

19. GitLens is a useful tool for visualizing code history information so you can track when changes were made and by whom.

20. Path Intellisense is a tool for automatically completing file names as a line is entered.

21. Prettier is an extension for automatic code formatting and bringing its various sections to a single form.

22. VSCode-Icons - add visual icons to the file tree for easier searching and better visual perception.

Of course, it's not worth installing everything from this list. Some of these extensions can be called interchangeable, while others will require experience with simpler tools.
