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How to return to work mode after rest
How to return to work mode after rest

We are used to being relaxed over long weekends. Use these tips to get yourself up and running.

How to return to work mode after rest
How to return to work mode after rest

1. Get your workplace in order

Take a few minutes to sort through paper junk, junk files, reminders, and other items before you get started. Don't put off cleaning until later. Chances are that the pile will only grow and distract you from more important things.

2. Delete the absent messages on the answering machine

If you left a warning that you will be away for a while, it's time to remove it. Update your voicemail messages and email account. At the same time, do not forget to put things in order there.

3. Don't read letters in chronological order

Sort emails by subject or importance. This helps you separate messages that are worth looking at and delete the rest.

4. Check the calendar

If you have had a long vacation, you may find it helpful to be reminded of upcoming events at work. See what appointments, projects, meetings or reports you have scheduled for the coming days. The likelihood of forgetting something will decrease, and you can calmly get down to business.

5. Make a list of important tasks

As you go through your mail, work files, and calendar, write down the tasks you have scheduled for the first days after your vacation. Don't go straight to the first point. Prioritize each task and start with the most important or urgent.

6. Don't work on multiple tasks at the same time

Multitasking doesn't work well. Especially after the vacation. When a person is engaged in 2-3 things at the same time, concentration of attention decreases. This affects the quality of work, deadlines and your emotional state. Relax and focus on one task. Only when you complete it, proceed to the next point.

7. Remove distractions

When you work, turn off social media notifications and remove apps that grab your attention and distract you. Vacation photos and likes won't go anywhere. Take some time after work or at lunchtime to check social media and chat with friends. This will make it easier for you to focus on the important tasks that need to be done first.

8. Pamper yourself

You don't need to turn on your inner tyrant to improve performance. Indulge yourself a bit during your break: have lunch with a friend at a cafe, read a book that has been put off for a long time, or listen to a music album. This will give strength for new things.

9. Try not to stay late at work

Don't take on more than you can handle during business hours. Set a reminder to leave the office on time for at least the first few days.

10. Give yourself time

Schedule time to get used to life in the office, not on the beach. It can be several days or a week. Give yourself some indulgence and try not to be too hard on yourself during this period. To get back on track faster, it is important to be calm and focused.
