Table of contents:

Life lessons worth learning at every age
Life lessons worth learning at every age

20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years old - at any age there is a reason to enjoy life.

Life lessons worth learning at every age
Life lessons worth learning at every age

When you're 20

Stop worrying about what others think

Between twenty and thirty, we spend a lot of time trying to impress others and worry about what they think of us. But with age comes the realization that all this is unimportant. Do what you love without looking back at others.

Do not hurry

Now everyone is convinced that success must be achieved as soon as possible. But don't rush too much, you have your whole life ahead of you. There are so many things to do. There is no point in panicking at 20 that you are not doing anything.

Create the world you want to live in

Don't go with the flow. Actively change the world around you so that it is the way you want it to be. Think about what kind of person you want to be, what kind of atmosphere you want to work in. If you dream of starting your own business, don't wait. Start now when you have little commitment.

Realize that nobody knows everything

No one - not your mentors, not your leaders, not your idols - have all the answers. It is natural. Work, create, try. Develop yourself and compare yourself to others less.

Don't be too hard on yourself

Do not self-criticize. Don't take your mistakes and failures so personally. Express your opinion and never let yourself be offended.

Remember skills are more important than grades

This is true for most professions, especially creative ones. So improve as long as you have time for this, while all you need to do is learn and gain experience.

Don't worry so much

In 20 years, you are unlikely to face really serious problems. What now seems to be the end of the world will soon be perceived as a trifle. Try new things, sometimes be reckless. Stop trying to be cool - it never works. Just live.

Be creative

Work, make efforts, do what you love. And don't forget that the main thing in life is creativity. It is necessary even in business. It is creativity and inspiration that make life whole.

When you're 30

Don't be afraid of mistakes, learn from them

To learn something, you need to experience it yourself. If you started your own business and are afraid to take the wrong step, remember that mistakes cannot be avoided. Someday you will turn in the wrong direction, hire the wrong employee, or incur losses. The business itself will be the best teacher for you.

Excessive empathy can be dangerous

In some areas of activity, it is undesirable to show too much empathy. For example, at a first aid point. Yes, the doctor should empathize with the patient, but not enough to prevent him from doing his job. Of course, not everyone works in an environment where life is at stake. But in any business, it is important to keep the measure between compassion and professionalism.

Any experience is valuable

If you decide to change your career and try yourself in something new, everything that you have done before will be useful to you in a new field. Even if they don't touch at all, your life experience will still help you.

When you're 40

In business, combine trust with personal responsibility

Try to see the good in people, but at the same time, take responsibility, rather than relying entirely on the other person. To grow a business, you need to find a balance: be the captain of your ship and be able to rely on the crew at the same time.

You can't control everything, but you can adapt

Even in difficult and turbulent times, try to adapt. Imagine yourself as grass: it bends in the wind, but does not break. Be open to change and accept it with gratitude.

Make concessions

There will always be disagreements at work and in personal life. Try to negotiate them and come to a compromise. To achieve something important, you need to work together.

When you're 50


Enjoy every day. Keep experimenting and trying new things. If you want to do something, do it.

Make your own rules

If you feel like you are constantly under a lot of pressure from the outside, consider if you are the cause. Many people are used to thinking that you should always give your best and deal with several projects at the same time. This ultimately leads to overwork and discontent. We unconsciously set such rules for ourselves. Choose your own rules carefully.

When you're 60

Be patient and persistent

Some goals take much longer than we anticipate. Be patient and persistent so you don't get discouraged.

Wisdom comes with time

At 25, there simply cannot be the same wise judgments as at 65. Yes, perhaps this is not necessary. This would prevent us from doing all the stupid things that need to be done when we are young.

When you're 70

Every age has its ups and downs

At 25, we think we know everything. By 30 and 40, we begin to realize that this is not the case. And in the next decades, we truly understand ourselves and our desires.

And at 77 you can feel young

To feel young, take an interest in everything around you and try to get the most out of each day.
