How to upload photos from your desktop to Instagram
How to upload photos from your desktop to Instagram

When you want to post something new, but you don't have a smartphone at hand, you can get by with a regular browser.

Instagram is incredibly popular on Android and iOS mobile platforms. There is nothing easier than placing the photo you just took in it. But the web version of Instagram does not allow uploading photos from the desktop. There is still a way around this limitation.

Instagram on desktop
Instagram on desktop

To do this, you need a mobile version of Instagram. To open it, you need to temporarily change the User Agent of your browser. You can do it like this.

Chrome: download the User Agent Switcher for Chrome extension.

Firefox: download the User Agent Switcher for Firefox extension.

Opera: download the User Agent Switcher for Opera extension.

Then select the User Agent iOS or Android from the extension menu.

Now open Instagram in your browser. It will look the same as on a smartphone or tablet.

User Agent Switcher
User Agent Switcher

Log in to your account, click on the camera button and select the photo you want to upload.

Ready! This way you can upload any images from your computer.
