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The Whole Truth About Introverts and Extroverts
The Whole Truth About Introverts and Extroverts

In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung introduced the concept of psychological types. Since then, people have been wondering who they are - introverts or extroverts, and scientists have been trying to figure out who is smarter. The life hacker decided to dot the i's in the issue of introversion and extraversion.

The Whole Truth About Introverts and Extroverts
The Whole Truth About Introverts and Extroverts

Who are introverts?

An introvert is a person whose energy is directed inward. He is not bored with himself. He is calm and judicious, attentive to detail and careful in his decisions.

Introverts sometimes seem gloomy, withdrawn, and completely antisocial. But in their souls they are sweethearts. It's just that social contacts take energy from them.

In the inner circle of an introvert there are two or three people. Laconic with strangers, he is ready for hours to discuss interesting topics with those he loves.

Loneliness for an introvert is a lack of involvement in someone's life. He can be lonely even in a crowd. An evening with your favorite book or a contemplative walk is the best way for an introvert to recharge.

Who are extroverts?

An extrovert is a person whose energy is directed towards the outside world. He is sociable, open and active. He looks at everything with optimism. Not afraid to take the initiative and be a leader.

Because of their impulsiveness, extroverts sometimes seem like dummies. But don't confuse emotionality with superficiality.

Extroverts get their energy from communication. Loneliness for an extrovert is when there is not a soul around, there is no one to say a word to. They have many friends and acquaintances.

Extroverts are fun. In order not to get bogged down in a routine and kindle an inner flame, they will go to the club or invite guests.

What does Carl Gustav Jung have to do with it?

In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung's book "Psychological Types" was published. In it, he introduced the concepts of extraversion and introversion. Jung viewed extroverts and introverts through the prism of the predominant mental function - thinking or feeling, sensation or intuition.

The fundamental work of Carl Jung has been and is still being addressed by many scientists. The extroverted-introverted typology formed the basis of the Myers-Briggs theory, the Big Five personality model and the Raymond Cattell 16-factor questionnaire.

In the 1960s, Jung's ideas were taken up by the British psychologist Hans Eysenck. He interpreted extraversion and introversion through arousal and inhibition processes. Introverts are uncomfortable in noisy, crowded places, as their brains process more information per unit of time.

Are introverts really smarter?

Many psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists all over the world are trying to figure it out. Unsuccessful so far. But the more research is done, the more obvious it becomes that the brains of extroverts and introverts work differently.

The line of demarcation is dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and is responsible for feelings of satisfaction. In the course of a scientific experiment, it was found that in a state of excitement, extroverts have strong activity in the area of the tonsils and the nucleus accumbens. The former are responsible for the process of emotional stimulation, and the nucleus is part of the dopamine system (pleasure center).

Extroverts and introverts produce dopamine in the same way, but the reward system responds to it differently. Extroverts take less time to process stimuli. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get their "dose of happiness", they need it along with adrenaline.

Introverts, on the other hand, are overly sensitive to dopamine. Their stimuli travel a long and difficult path in areas of the brain. In their reward system, another neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, plays a major role. It helps to reflect, concentrate on the task at hand, work fruitfully for a long time and feel good during internal dialogue.

How do I know who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To determine the Jung type, the Gray-Whewright tests and the Jung's Type Index (JTI) questionnaire are usually used. Psychologists also use Eysenck's personality questionnaire. At the everyday level, you can go through more or analyze your behavior.

You are an introvert if Are you an extrovert if
  • usually think first, then do;
  • do not seek to expand the circle of communication;
  • hate small talk, often answer questions in monosyllables;
  • avoid crowded events and public speaking;
  • write messages even when it is more efficient to call.
  • often do first, then think;
  • get to know someone constantly;
  • love communication, you can easily talk to a stranger on the street;
  • once a week or more often go to parties, concerts, exhibitions;
  • call even when you can write a message.

Neither one nor the other suits me. Who am I?

According to Carl Jung, introversion and extraversion do not exist in their pure form. “Such a person would be in an insane asylum,” he said. The author of the popular book "" Susan Kane agrees with him.

Every person has the traits of an extrovert and an introvert. Signs of one or the other may prevail depending on age, environment, and even mood.

psychological types: scale of introversion - extraversion
psychological types: scale of introversion - extraversion

People who are in the middle of the scale of introversion - extraversion most of the time are called ambiverts (or diaverts).

Ambiverts are not ringleaders, but they can enthusiastically participate in what they like. Activity gives way to passivity and vice versa: the soul of the company can easily become a shy quiet one. In some situations, ambiverts chatter uncontrollably, in others, words have to be dragged out of them with ticks. Sometimes they work well in a team, but they prefer to solve some problems alone.

How do introverts and extroverts interact?

The first step to effective communication is respect for the individual.

If your friend is an introvert If your friend is an extrovert
  • Don't expect an instant reaction. Introverts need time to process information.
  • To draw his attention to something important, write him a letter or message.
  • At the party, do not pester him with questions: “Well, why are you silent? Are you bored?". Let him get comfortable.
  • Don't invade his personal space. Let him be alone if he wants to. Never take the introvert's taciturnity or isolation personally.
  • Be patient - let him talk. The more attentively you listen, the faster you will find the rational kernel.
  • Do not be offended that he ignores the written messages. If you expect action from him, call. Between times, be sure to ask how you are doing.
  • At a party, do not leave him unattended, channel his energy in a constructive direction.
  • To please the extrovert, simply agree to his next adventure.
