Table of contents:

What is scarlet fever, how to recognize and treat it
What is scarlet fever, how to recognize and treat it

A mild childhood illness can lead to arthritis and mental health problems.

What is scarlet fever, how to recognize and treat it
What is scarlet fever, how to recognize and treat it

What is scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus).

Streptococci produce a toxin that irritates the skin. This is how the Scarlet fever characteristic scarlet rash appears, which gave the name to the disease: the Latin word scarlatinum means "bright red".

Most often, Scarlet fever children from 5 to 15 years old suffer from scarlet fever, so the disease is considered childhood. But adults can also get infected. Employees of schools and kindergartens are especially at risk.

What are the symptoms of scarlet fever

In most cases, scarlet fever begins Scarlet fever like the flu - suddenly and quickly. Here are the characteristic signs.

  • Fever. The temperature jumps to 38, 3 ° C and above. This is often accompanied by chills.
  • Severe sore throat. It occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, including the tonsils. The throat becomes red, sometimes whitish or yellowish spots are visible on it.
  • Pain and difficulty swallowing.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Rash. Most often, it appears in a day or two Scarlet fever after the first jump in temperature. But sometimes it can occur a couple of days before the child feels unwell, or a week after. A scarlet fever rash has a bright scarlet color, like a sunburn, and the skin feels like sandpaper to the touch. If you press on the area with rashes, they turn pale.
Scarlet fever symptoms: rash
Scarlet fever symptoms: rash

See what a scarlet fever rash looks like Close

  • Red streaks in folds of skin formed from a rash. Most often, these lines can be seen in the bends of the elbows and knees, in the armpits and groin, on the neck.
  • Flushed face. The cheeks and chin are especially reddened. But a pale ring usually remains around the mouth.
  • "Strawberry" language. The name speaks for itself: the tongue of a patient with scarlet fever becomes like a strawberry - the same bright red, embossed, with white dots rising above its surface. In the initial stages of the disease, "strawberry" is hidden under a whitish bloom.
Scarlet Fever Symptoms: Strawberry Tongue
Scarlet Fever Symptoms: Strawberry Tongue

See what the tongue looks like with scarlet fever Close

Why scarlet fever is dangerous

Doctors consider this infection to be a lung Scarlet fever. However, if scarlet fever is left untreated or delayed with treatment, there is a risk that the bacteria will spread to other organs. This can lead to serious complications for Scarlet Fever, including:

  • otitis media (inflammation in the middle ear);
  • an abscess (infection and suppuration) of the throat;
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses), these include, for example, sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis.

In rare cases, Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria affect the heart, joints, and nervous system. Moreover, the consequences of this Scarlet Fever - for example, arthritis or an autoimmune mental disorder - do not appear immediately, but several months or even years after the illness.

In general, even though scarlet fever is not a very dangerous classic childhood infection, it must be treated. In order not to risk health.

What to do if you suspect scarlet fever

See your pediatrician or, if an adult is sick, your GP immediately. It is best to call a doctor at home, Scarlet fever. If this is not possible, try to contact other people as little as possible on the way to the clinic. Scarlet fever is highly contagious and is easily transmitted with the smallest droplets of saliva that are released when coughing, sneezing and even breathing.

The doctor will perform a Scarlet fever. Diagnosis and Treatment examination, looking down the throat, feeling the neck to determine if the lymph nodes are swollen, and assessing the appearance and texture of the rash. In addition, he will take a swab from the tonsils and the back of the throat to test for group A streptococcus. Other diseases can be disguised as scarlet fever, so you need to know exactly what to treat.

How to treat scarlet fever

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, drugs of the penicillin Scarlet fever series are used. But if the patient is allergic to penicillin, the doctor will select other, no less effective means.

On average, the condition improves within 3-6 days of Scarlet Fever after starting treatment. Please note: the course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor (as a rule, it lasts 10 days) must be drunk to the end, even if it seems to you that the disease has receded. Only this will be insurance against possible complications.

Skin symptoms last longer: the remnants of the rash disappear after about 2-3 weeks from the onset of the disease.

How to relieve scarlet fever at home

Overall, Scarlet fever. Diagnosis and Treatment are the same as for regular ARVI.

In the treatment of scarlet fever, bed rest and abundant warm drinks are indicated.

Lydia Ivanova, pediatrician of the highest qualification category, head of the department of pediatrics, Clinical and Diagnostic Center "Medintsentr" (branch of the GlavUpDK under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)

1. Drink more often

This will keep the lining of the pharynx moisturized and relieve dryness and pain.

2. Monitor the humidity in the room

It should be in the range of 40-60%. Install a humidifier if necessary.

3. Gargle with salt water

Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle with the solution or offer it to your child. The pain will decrease.

4. Keep the air clean

The smell of cigarette smoke, paint, cleaning products can irritate the throat. Try to free your home from these contaminants.

5. Moisturize the skin in areas with rashes

Over the counter, you can buy creams and lotions that will relieve irritation, reduce itching, and help your skin heal faster. But do not engage in amateur activities: before buying, be sure to consult with your doctor.

6. Use over-the-counter antipyretics if necessary

To bring down fever and reduce pain, Mayo Clinic experts suggest taking over-the-counter antipyretics. However, please note that, for example, ibuprofen preparations are not recommended by Scarlet fever for infections that involve the skin. Therefore, check with your doctor before taking pills or giving them to your child. It is important.

How to prevent scarlet fever

There is no vaccine for this infection. Therefore, in theory, anyone can become infected.

Typically, scarlet fever only occurs once. If this happens again, then the infection is easy.

Lydia Ivanova pediatrician

Follow basic hygiene practices to reduce risks.

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Keep wet wipes and hand sanitizer with you in case water is out.
  • Wean yourself off the habit of getting your hands into your mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • Do not give your personal belongings to anyone and do not use others. The same rule applies to cutlery.
  • Use disposable handkerchiefs or wash cloths in hot water and powder after each use.

To avoid infecting others, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when you cough or sneeze. If you feel sick but cannot stay at home, wear a medical mask at least in crowded places.
