Shall we speak the language of dolphins?
Shall we speak the language of dolphins?

Man is used to thinking of himself as the only intelligent, conscious being on this planet. We look at the sky in search of those who could speak the same language with us, but maybe it's time to look under our noses in the depths of the ocean? According to recent research, it may turn out that we are not the only intelligent life form on our planet. Dolphins may well be our closest brothers in mind.

Shall we speak the language of dolphins?
Shall we speak the language of dolphins?

Denise Herzing has been studying dolphins for 30 years, and the information collected during this time allows us to conclude that dolphins have their own language of communication and that soon, if it is possible to decipher all the signals, a person will be able to first come into contact with intelligent beings other than himself. At the moment, they are engaged in decoding their signals and developing mobile devices, thanks to which we will be able to understand not only dolphins, but also communicate with other species of animals.

All this is on the verge of reality and science fiction, but we really hope that it will soon become reality. Although … personally, I'm not entirely sure that I want to know what my cat is thinking;)
