How to cope with being more successful than your peer
How to cope with being more successful than your peer

Are you eating up envy of those who are more successful than you? And these people are also the same age as you? We are coming to your aid!

How to cope with being more successful than your peer
How to cope with being more successful than your peer

Everyone knows that envy is a bad feeling. But, nevertheless, this does not prevent to envy those who are more successful than us. It is especially offensive when a person of the same age becomes successful. After all, you could too! But no, he is still cooler than you. And I want to tell you: "Stop being jealous of your peers!"

  1. You have no idea what's really going on in the life of someone you envy. The look of success, maybe full of bullshit.
  2. Stop paying attention to others! Think about yourself! The enthusiastic contemplation of the success of others takes away all the time that you could spend building your own happiness and well-being.
  3. Money, cars, houses and summer cottages are the signs by which society considers you successful. There is no need to chase the opinions of others and break up trying to achieve what society considers valuable. Understand what is and is success, not for the people around you. And strive for this goal!
  4. Not yet 30? Then get ready to see the failure of those you envy right now.
  5. You cannot do anything other than what you can do. If you understand this and if you are not distracted from your goals and values, then your life is going exactly the way it should go. Do you understand? Exactly how it should go !!!
  6. When you have self-doubt, think of each doubt as a piece of paper. Then crumple up that paper and dump it in your brain's toilet. Well, then it's worth throwing this toilet out of your brain with your best kick with your feet.
  7. Work hard in gratitude for what you have every day. Of the people I know, the happiest people are people who are full of gratitude. And these people use their talents in the most effective way.
  8. Before reading point nine, think of at least one person who thinks you are amazing. And do the same - realize that you are amazing.
  9. Take a look around! The universe is huge, incredibly beautiful, amazing. So who cares about the difference in salary of a couple of thousand rubles, when new beautiful stars and even constellations are born at the same moment.
  10. This is a marathon, not a sprint. And the moment you find yourself at the finish line, you will realize that you were fighting only with yourself.
