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7 beliefs that keep you from being successful
7 beliefs that keep you from being successful

False beliefs keep us from self-actualization. The subconscious mind, giving them to us, sometimes tries to lead us astray. To become happier and more successful, try to eliminate seven of the most common biases.

7 beliefs that keep you from being successful
7 beliefs that keep you from being successful

1. Someone knows what success is and exactly how to achieve it

We rely on the views of our family, friends and society as a whole. They have long defined the criteria for success and are sure that there can be no other scenario. Ignore it and go your own way.

Of course, easy to say, but difficult to do. Someone else's views on life take root in us from childhood. Even the most experienced entrepreneurs and creative people, living by their own rules and in their own world, are influenced by the public opinion that fame and wealth are the signs of success.

Determine what success is for you. Other people will not live by your principles. So why should you follow their beliefs?

Don't just take my word for it. You have the right to decide for yourself what you want to achieve in this life.

2. I must be confident in the next step

Many of us don't quite understand what self-confidence is. We think that this is a quality that we must possess before starting any business. And we wait until we are filled with this energy. But if you sit in one place, then you will not gain confidence.

The past determines our self-confidence. But consider that today will be a memory tomorrow. Therefore, the confidence that you will feel tomorrow directly depends on your actions today.

They say that appetite comes with eating. Confidence comes when you force yourself to get up and take a step in the direction you want.

3. Careful planning guarantees the best result

Oftentimes, detailed planning only hinders real action. We think too much about the project, analyzing all the pros and cons, and come to the conclusion that it turns out to be very difficult to achieve the desired goal. Although in reality this may not be the case. It's just that we are inactive when planning.

Lovers sit and wait for inspiration. The rest just get up and go to work.

Stephen King writer

To prevent this from happening and anxiety to gain the upper hand, break your goal down into small tasks that you can accomplish here and now. Try starting a blog, for example, if you dream but hesitate to write a book.

Don't plan or think too much. Take action. Small steps will lead you to a big goal.

4. You can just focus on the goal to achieve it

Goals will not bring positive results. But daily habits will bring. Remember this once and for all.

We set ourselves a big goal, but we forget to change our behavior. The burden of unfulfilled dreams falls on our shoulders, we are disappointed and lose hope.

Try focusing on daily rituals for a few weeks that will bring you closer to your goal. For example, let's say you want to lose weight. You really want to. But this is where the initiative ends. Start eating right, exercising daily, and soon you will see results. At the same time, you will not even think about how you achieve the goal. It will just become a habit.

5. I must always be right

Through trial and error, you come to understand what is actually true. And this understanding is much more important than always being right.

Each of us is wrong. What is conceived does not always work out the first time. After all, everything comes with experience. Don't beat yourself up for mistakes. Learn to learn from them lessons that will help you in the future.

6. I have to agree with everything

You have to learn to say no, even if it’s unusual for you. Your time and energy are limited, so don't waste it.

Never forget that you do not have to agree to every adventure offered to you. New and unexpected opportunities can distract you from your priorities. Learn to refuse if you want to live by your own rules.

7. I have the strength to resist the limitations and temptations of society

Even a strong-willed person can eventually break down under the pressure of the society in which he lives. We lose faith that we can live in better conditions, and we try to fix the environment. And this is exactly what our energy is spent on.

It is worth spending energy on a conscious choice of your environment.

The people you talk to shouldn't drag you down. They should motivate, inspire and help you achieve your goal.

If you want to achieve something, surround yourself with like-minded people. The right environment will help you change your life for the better forever and be who you want to be. This rule is the basis of social development.
