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2.5 hours a week that will lengthen your life
2.5 hours a week that will lengthen your life

Scientists have found that it is not necessary to go to the gym and exercise a lot to reduce the risk of heart disease and premature death.

2.5 hours a week that will lengthen your life
2.5 hours a week that will lengthen your life

How much and how to move

From 2003 to 2010, Canadian scientists conducted one of the largest studies of S. A. Lear, W. Hu, S. Rangarajan, et al. The effect of physical activity on mortality and cardiovascular disease in 130,000 people from 17 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: the PURE study / Lancet on the benefits of movement.

For seven years, scientists have been collecting data on physical activity, cardiovascular disease and overall mortality. The study involved more than 130 thousand people 35–70 years old from 17 countries with different living standards.

It turned out that people who are physically active for at least 150 minutes a week are healthier than those who spend less time on the move. People who move are less prone to heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases, and also have lower mortality rates from other causes.

Just 2.5 hours of physical activity per week reduces the risk of premature death by 28%, and the likelihood of heart disease by 20%.

More importantly, the type of physical activity doesn't matter. Study lead author Scott Lear argues that you don't have to pay for health. Any activity, be it housework, physical work or walking, effectively reduces the risk of premature death and heart disease.

Why sitting is harmful

Despite many studies proving the need for physical activity, modern people move less and less. People drive more often, spend more time in front of screens, and walk less.

Meanwhile, the number of chronic diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight is growing rapidly.

According to the Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries over 25 Years / New England Journal of Medicine, the New England Medical Journal, in 2015, being overweight was responsible for four million deaths worldwide (7% of all deaths). Most of these people died from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and cancer.

How to move more without making time for sports

Often people say that lack of time or money prevents them from playing sports. However, to move for a little more than 20 minutes a day, you don't have to set aside time, buy jogging shoes, or get a gym membership.

Here are some tips from University of Toronto professor Mike Evans:

  1. Plan business meetings in the form of walks.
  2. If you get to work by public transport, get off the bus stop earlier.
  3. Walk around during your lunch break instead of sitting elsewhere.
  4. Stop driving to the store, walk.
  5. If you are driving, park further away from your destination.
  6. Don't use the elevator, go up the stairs.

According to Scott Lear, for the most active and healthy participants in the study, movement was part of their daily life: they walked a lot, moved at work, and did household chores.

And by the way, physical activity helps you manage stress.

Scott Lear Study author, commentary for VOX.

Physical activity fights stress well. I cycling back from work, which is a great way to relieve the stress of the day. I arrive home much fresher than sitting in my car trying to cope with the traffic.

One stop on foot, two steps up the stairs, an evening walk instead of a cinema or a cafe - you will hardly notice any changes in your life and at the same time reduce the risk of various diseases and premature death.
