How to create conditions for the development of employees and retain the best
How to create conditions for the development of employees and retain the best

It would seem that the most comfortable and natural way of building a career is development within the company. However, it is often easier for employees to enter the job market than to get a promotion in their company. As a result, the company loses a loyal and talented employee and has to spend time and money to replace him. We figure out why this is happening and how to create a favorable environment for development in the company.

How to create conditions for the development of employees and retain the best
How to create conditions for the development of employees and retain the best

Of course, there are situations when an employee has simply lost motivation and is not ready to continue working in the current company. But this is a different case.

Why does an employee who does a good job and has the potential for growth leave the company?

Surprisingly, there are still many companies where transfers inside are not welcome, and even a ban is introduced on poaching employees between departments. The top of the "skill" is when it is fixed at the level of politics. As a result, heads of departments try to avoid conflict situations, and employees simply do not have the opportunity to advance. Talented employees leave, and those who hold on to their jobs remain - often due to an inability to find the best.

In companies where the development environment is not formed, the HR department simply does not post vacancies in the public domain for employees. This leads to the fact that employees find out about vacancies only on job search sites or when a new team member appears, which, of course, leads to demotivation of the best and their departure.

A culture of closeness is strongly fostered by leaders. Of course, every manager is happy that the employee completes all the tasks, and is not ready to let him go. The fear of being faced with the need to find a new specialist wins. Therefore, managers prefer to take ready-made specialists from the market, rather than develop their own. Under such conditions, the company does not create processes that contribute to the professional growth of employees.

Even in companies focused on people development, the employee has a fear that he will not get a new position and at the same time ruin the relationship with the current leader. And in fact, they will start looking for a replacement for him, and he may be left without work. Better to start a closed job search in the market and stay in your comfort zone.

In companies with a hierarchical structure, the CEO sometimes closes in on all the issues of employee transfers. And sometimes he even makes decisions without notifying the heads of departments. This approach demotivates line managers and leads to hidden conflicts within the team. With the employee imposed on you, hardly anyone wants to build a relationship.

If you do not want to lose talented employees, create a culture and provide tools for internal development.

1. Anchor the promotion of employees within the company as a value and constantly support the process.

2. Describe the transition business process for employees. Yes, it should be a step-by-step instruction from the moment “to whom to go” to the moment “how and who makes job offers”. It is important to make the transition clear and easy. The process, stretched out over months, leads to a loss of motivation for the employee and his departure.

3. Post vacancies on the internal portal, on social networks, chat, do a weekly mailing list and post posters with vacancies in the kitchens.

4. Enter the rule that internal job applicants are considered first. For example, during the first two weeks, the vacancy is posted only within the company.

5. Develop career matrices. They will help both managers (to make the correct assessment) and other employees. For the latter, this is a guideline: in which direction I can develop and what knowledge and skills should I have.

6. Help in development: hold one-on-one meetings, draw up a career plan with the employee.

7. Implement an internship process in which an employee performs tasks in a new role for 2–3 months. If the result is achieved, he is transferred to a new position. At the same time, there is an opportunity to remain in the previous position if the work turned out to be different than the candidate presented, or if he did not cope with the tasks at a new level.

8. Develop your managers not just as good managers, but as mentors and mentors.

I often say that employees are not slaves and they always have a choice: to stay within the company or to develop in another. Sometimes the desire of managers to keep employees in their current role in different ways still leads to their departure. It is important to always track employee motivation and build open relationships. Yes, the employee should be able to come in and tell the manager that he wants to grow. Such a relationship will help you ensure the process of succession and retain the best talent inside the company!
