TEST: Determine the personality type by drawing
TEST: Determine the personality type by drawing

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and they can tell a lot about us. Well, we offer you a personality type test. All you need is to draw eyes on the sheet (whatever you want, let your imagination run wild). Have you painted? Now go to the post, look for a similar one in the picture and see the description. Yes, I also reacted to this idea with a great deal of skepticism, but the result surprised me: it turned out to be not so far from the truth …

TEST: Determine the personality type by drawing
TEST: Determine the personality type by drawing

1. Open soul

You are always and with everyone very friendly, ready for new acquaintances. You are convinced that it is better to take a chance and get a couple of blows than to wall yourself off from the world. You will never pretend that you are scared or defenseless. You try to solve your problems on your own. But do not leave the other without support, you will come to the rescue with a smile, even if at this moment it is not easy for you yourself. You will always find strength in yourself if others need your help.

2. Conscious

You try to meet good expectations and do everything you do with conscience. Live with the confidence that all your actions affect the lives of other people. You are a little withdrawn - you will never show if you are upset about something. You have seen enough unhappiness and injustice and carry all your experiences with you. You have lofty ideals and strive to be exemplary yourself. This is the least you can do for our planet.

3. Bully

You are a person with a reckless past that haunts you even now. There is nothing you can do about it, but at least you don’t take life too seriously. You never show others your gloomy mood. You silently endure all adversity and keep your thoughts to yourself. And always look to the future with confidence. You are a master of getting out of rework (which you most often create for yourself).

4. Philosopher

You are a person who thinks about everyone and everything. It is important for you to understand the deeper meaning of things. You are constantly hovering in your thoughts, and sometimes it is not easy for you to distract yourself from them. You will never show if you are in doubt. Even if you do not come to a final opinion on any issue, you will demonstrate complete confidence. For you, life is like a jigsaw puzzle: you like to put the pieces together into a coherent picture. And while you may not be completely sure of the true purpose of the world, you feel comfortable in it.

5. Man of mystery

You are not the kind of person who will open your heart to the first person you come across, so good luck to anyone who wants to try. You combine many contradictions, and your mood is constantly changing. You tell others a little about yourself. They are taciturn, and their actions will confuse anyone. You prefer to get to know the person before you speak to them. And you only say what you are sure of.

6. Sensual nature

You write everything down and do not forget anything. You feel the people around you with incredible accuracy. Your feelings are always deep, and even a small event can have a powerful effect on you. You are easy to laugh and just as easy to make you cry. But you try not to show how fragile your feelings are. But you often show people how discerning you can be. You can predict changes in your life and are rarely wrong. You will be the first to ask what happened: you cannot fail to notice even the hidden emotions of the other.

7. Ardent

You are always energetic, subject to passion. There is nothing artificial about you. You have a simple attitude to everything: you either love something or you hate it. You have an opinion about everything in the world, you have a quick mind. But you don't like to show how irritable you can be at times. You have a lot of energy, and it is not surprising that sometimes you get nervous. You love to win in everything. You are not the best assistant, but a great dreamer.

8. Freak

Everything is unusual for you: hobbies, interests, beliefs, actions. You've always been a little weird. And traditions or rules don't really bother you. You do things your own way, but you don't try to change the inevitable. You hide nothing from the world - you have nothing to hide. And those who condemn you only make you laugh. You would like to meet people like you more often. You like being nonconformist, it's fun.

9. Intuit

You understand people well. You can tell a lot about another person by their facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always notice if someone is lying to you. Do not be very frank with others, tell about yourself only what you think is necessary. You are well versed not only in others, but also in yourself. You always see when someone wants to manipulate you, and you know how to manipulate people. You usually don't use this method, but sometimes this skill can come in handy.
