All you need to get up early is the right morning rituals
All you need to get up early is the right morning rituals

Morning rituals are like the opening notes of a new song. When they are there, it is much easier to write a song further. Try adding these notes to your daily routine. Sometimes even such small changes can change your life for the better.

All you need to get up early is the right morning rituals
All you need to get up early is the right morning rituals

Of all the tips to help you have a good, productive day, this post is probably one of the easiest. Its essence is to create pleasant and beneficial rituals.

Several months ago I decided to spend and changed my sleep schedule. He began to wake up much earlier than usual. After a while, all this did not end very well, since the body sent me to hell and simply did not respond to the alarm due to accumulated fatigue.

After a while, I realized my mistake:

Getting up early in order to get up early is a stupid idea.

This position implies that you have no incentive.

Why torture yourself without any meaning? Getting up early for work is an incentive, albeit not the most pleasant one for some. Therefore, in order to learn to wake up early and not feel irritation and fatigue after that all day, you need to create stimulus, preferably positive.

For me, the morning rituals became such an incentive. Every day after waking up, I drink a glass of water, then I wash my face, brush my teeth and meditate. This has been happening for several weeks now and I'm not going to stop.

Here's what the traveler and blogger has to say about rituals:

I don't eat oatmeal for breakfast because I want to be healthy. I do my morning exercises not because I want to be in shape. For me, these are morning rituals that create the structure that guides me throughout the day. With her help, I become more productive and purposeful.

It seems to me that the morning ritual should consist of two parts: useful and pleasant.

Useful things- meditation, proper breakfast, exercise - provide the right attitude, motivating to continue to do everything right.

Pleasant thingshobbies or journaling, for example, will keep you in a good mood for the rest of your day.

Morning rituals are small changes in your daily routine that can dramatically improve your life. Try it and share your experience of what happened;)
