Famous Libraries: Ayn Rand
Famous Libraries: Ayn Rand

We continue the rubric "". This article contains a list of favorite books by the author of Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand.

Famous Libraries: Ayn Rand
Famous Libraries: Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand, or Alice Rosenbaum - as the writer was named at birth, is credited with creating such a philosophical movement as objectivism. According to Rand, a person is the creator of his own happiness and lives as well as his talent and creativity allow.

The novel "Atlas Shrugged" made the writer popular all over the world. As in his other work, The Source, Rand talks about a utopian world in which socialism prevailed and business collapses and gives way to a planned economy.

During her life, Rand has written a little less than 20 books, while reading dozens of times more. Portal Noblesoul, which is dedicated to the study of objectivism and creativity of the writer, has collected the books she read into one list. We've picked ten for you.

Ayn Rand's Favorite Books

  1. Born Free by Joy Adamson
  2. The Gift of Wings by Richard Bach.
  3. Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant.
  4. “I have chosen freedom / a>”, Viktor Kravchenko.
  5. Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche.
  6. "State", Plato.
  7. Personality and State, Herbert Spencer.
  8. American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser.
  9. “Farewell to Arms!” By Ernest Hemingway.
  10. "Ninety-third Year", Victor Hugo.
