8 ways to learn to think differently
8 ways to learn to think differently

Habitual ways of thinking give rise to standard solutions. To come up with something truly original, you have to think differently than those who solved the same problem before you. For out-of-the-box thinking in English, there is an idiom to think out of the box, literally translated - "think outside the box." Here are some ways to get out of your box and stimulate original ideas.

8 ways to learn to think differently
8 ways to learn to think differently

1. Play educational games

Yes, educational games for children. Designed to develop children's thinking, they are great for adults too. The range of educational games is very wide. Here you can find electronic constructors like SnapCircuits, board card games ("Swish", "Set"), and games for smartphones and tablets, for example, Gravity Maze. By playing games, you will not only develop lateral thinking skills, but also have a great time with friends or children.

2. Chat with people

Despite the abundance of various sources of information, other people are still able to give us new ideas. Meeting with the unique experience of another person, we significantly enrich our understanding of the world (or about a specific problem). And it is not at all necessary to communicate with the luminaries of science or financial gurus.

Career consultant Gia Ganesh gives an example of her conversation with a granite installer. It turned out that the guy was originally from Cuba. He told how he came to the USA and how he got to this job. The conversation prompted Gia to interesting thoughts about migration and career choice, suggested ideas for new research.

3. Get new experiences

To think differently, you need to live differently. Give up the usual patterns of behavior, destroy the established way of life, break stereotypes. Prepare new meals, change your route from home to work, and look around more. Try to wear clothes that are not typical for your image, change your hairstyle.

Travel is a great way to learn something new. Other countries, other cultures, unfamiliar surroundings - all this gives a good stimulus for the work of thinking. Especially if you do not miss the opportunity to make new acquaintances while traveling.

4. Explore unusual ideas

In our age, there is no shortage of information. On the contrary, there is even too much around it. But not all of it deserves attention. You have to look for really worthwhile ideas, but doing it is much easier than 100 or even 50 years ago. Read more!, articles on the Internet and magazines. Look everywhere for fresh ideas, new views and unconventional approaches.

Thinking differently is good, but not enough. One must be able to formulate and defend one's original ideas.

It is not always easy to have your own opinion that differs from the generally accepted one. The social pressure of the majority is great, and very often society is able to impose a collective point of view on individuals. Next, there are several ways to help develop and defend your own opinion.

5. Be based on facts only

This seemingly elementary principle is violated too often. Emotions, speculation, expectations, assumptions, rumors … All this is not good. Start with simple questions: "How do I know this is true?" "What facts speak in favor of my opinion?" If the facts are not enough, then you have to look for them.

6. Express your opinion in writing

Imagine that you need to convince someone and write a letter for this. Written presentation will help you articulate your thoughts more clearly, trace the logical chain of conclusions and conclusions. Diagrams and pictures will make your ideas clearer and more intuitive. Such a preparation will be very helpful if you really need to speak in public or defend your point of view in a discussion.

7. Discuss

Group discussion is both a test of your ideas and a means to find new solutions to old problems. Specially organized discussions are the most useful. Almost any topic can be chosen: from politics to football. Divide the group into two teams, and have them advocate opposing points of view. It is better to limit the time allotted to each participant - this helps to formulate your arguments clearly and concisely.

8. Be objective

This is the kind of advice that is easy to give but hard to follow. Each of us is inclined to consider our opinion, if not the only correct one, then certainly not erroneous. But even the ancients said that it is human nature to make mistakes. We look at the world through the prism of our experience and very often see only what we want to see.

In developing your own opinion, it is important to get rid of bias in the selection and assessment of available information. Have we really considered all the available facts? Have we exaggerated the significance of some facts to please our expectations? Are there alternative points of view? These and other similar questions can help you be more objective and independent of someone else's prejudice. Even from your own.

This is not an exhaustive list of ways to help you think differently and form your own opinion. What methods do you use?
