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Why I Know It's True Is Worth Watching Not Just Because of Mark Ruffalo
Why I Know It's True Is Worth Watching Not Just Because of Mark Ruffalo

The actor plays two roles at once, but you will certainly be hooked by the touching plot.

Why I Know It's True Is Worth Watching Not Just Because of Mark Ruffalo
Why I Know It's True Is Worth Watching Not Just Because of Mark Ruffalo

On May 11, on the HBO channel (in Russia - on "Amediatek") a new series from director Derek Sienfrance ("The Place Beyond the Pines") will start. This author is known for his ability to create sad dramatic stories. But the project "I know that it is true" attracts primarily the performer of the main roles. The famous Mark Ruffalo played here the twin brothers - Dominic and Thomas.

And these roles can be considered one of the strongest in the career of an actor. Although, in addition to the stunning transformations of Mark, the series has something to interest the viewer. But it's better not to count on positive emotions.

Drama with a capital letter

The entire story is told from the perspective of Dominic Birdsay. His twin brother Thomas suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and his condition worsens over the years. It comes to the point that he publicly inflicts serious injury on himself and ends up under compulsory treatment. All this is happening against the backdrop of a serious illness and the death of their mother. And then Dominic's attempts to take Thomas home are interspersed with numerous flashbacks telling about the childhood of the brothers and their family.

When the first trailer was released, some viewers allegedly unraveled the author's idea: the brother actually does not exist, and Dominic himself suffers from schizophrenia.

But Sienfrance isn't shooting a detective. There will be only one mystery in the series, but it will also add drama rather than surprise with an unexpected twist. So there are really two brothers. And the plot tells about the difficulties they have to overcome.

It is important that the creators of the series managed to catch a very delicate balance: they told a dark story where literally all possible troubles fell on the main character. But at the same time, they did not go into the banal squeezing of tears from the viewer.

The series "I know it's true"
The series "I know it's true"

Everything that happens to the heroes is intended not to pity, but to show the fall of a person literally to the very bottom. Moreover, excluding any talk about justice, karma or divine purpose. Dominic may not be the kindest person, but perhaps his only serious flaw is his quick temper. The hero definitely did not deserve all the trials that fell to him. It just happens.

The emotional scenes, of which there are many, are not built with melodramatic lyrics. They are harsh and sometimes even annoying. And it just works as well as possible: the screams of the paranoid, the tantrum of his brother and the harsh words of the police should sound aggressive so that the viewer feels the intensity of the situation.

Adds ambience and visuals in muted tones. It is as if it is getting dark in the frame all the time, and something bright and light simply cannot happen.

Madness and heirlooms

At first it seems that the entire project will be devoted only to the complex relationship between Dominic and Thomas. But the series "I know it's true" quickly goes into more important and serious issues that concern literally everyone.

The series "I know it's true"
The series "I know it's true"

After all, here we are talking about knowing your roots. A very important topic for Americans is a nation that is predominantly made up of migrants. The question is no less relevant for Russia: due to revolutions, wars and changes in the system, many have lost information about their ancestors.

The series "I know it's true" shows how important heredity is in the formation of a person. Sometimes the family even becomes a cage that prevents you from choosing your path. Thomas’s problems are clearly related to his stepfather’s cruelty. And Dominic is forced to drag his brother along with him all his life, and the need for this care invariably ruins all his plans for the future.

The series "I know it's true"
The series "I know it's true"

And then Dominic plunges into the study of his family tree deeper. And it will not be easy to maintain the true story of our ancestors.

Two Mark Ruffalo and other great actors

The two brothers played by Mark Ruffalo are worth telling separately. The actor once again proves the title of one of the brightest dramatic artists of our time. Moreover, if you look at his previous roles, then it remains only to wonder how different he can be. And at the same time, always look as if you came to the set right in your home clothes.

More recently, Ruffalo has already had a chance to play two roles at once: Bruce Banner and the Hulk in the MCU are also not very similar to each other. But there they still relied on computer graphics and grotesque.

The series "I know it's true"
The series "I know it's true"

In the series “I Know It's True,” the skill is taken to a new level. The actor plays two completely living characters, each of whom you unconditionally believe. And at the same time unlike, as is often the case with twins. Dominic and Thomas differ in build, movement, manner of speaking. Of course, this realism is due to the great merit of the make-up artists, the cameraman and the editors, who make one think that the two heroes were on the set at the same time. But the main focus is on Ruffalo's game. And here he is really great.

The rest of the artists pale against the background of such dedication and emotionality. Although there are no failures in the cast. Perhaps the most striking character turned out to be the comedian Rosie O'Donnell, whom many remember for her malicious jokes about Donald Trump.

The series "I know it's true"
The series "I know it's true"

She plays a lawyer helping Dominic in his brother's case. And her heroine perfectly shows that a good person does not have to be charming and even kind. He's just doing the right thing. It is possible not to mention the rest of the actors separately, suffice it to say that everyone is in their place here.

Surely the series "I know it's true" will be criticized for being too dark and too much drama. But such plots more than others are tied precisely to the subjective perception of the viewer. Anyone to whom the story does not seem close can endlessly scold the actions of the heroes and the illogicality of their behavior.

But it is precisely in such moments that the plot becomes as realistic as possible: people too often refuse to the last to admit the existence of the problem. And if you are imbued with the emotions of Dominic and believe him, then the series will stuck in your memory for a long time, and fragments will emerge in a particular life situation. Everything turned out too believable.
