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5 life hacks that are guaranteed to help you get yourself into a workout
5 life hacks that are guaranteed to help you get yourself into a workout

If you can’t force yourself to play sports and start leading a healthy lifestyle, you are probably “too busy”, you have “a lot of work”, you are already “too tired”. These life hacks are just for the busiest. Well, for the especially lazy.

5 life hacks that are guaranteed to help you get yourself into a workout
5 life hacks that are guaranteed to help you get yourself into a workout

Once again you think that going to the gym would be really cool, and once again there is a reason not to go. You can be understood. The rhythm of life of a modern person really creates some difficulties when it comes to additional employment. Yes, there are a lot of tips on the Internet that motivate you to go in for sports, bribe how cool and useful it is, but … you are still not in the gym.

Here's another (hopefully final) storm of your motivation. Ideally, these tricks will simply prevent you from pulling yourself into training.

1. Buy a subscription

The easiest way. You pay for a certain number of classes you plan to attend per month. The prospect of paying for missed classes will not please anyone, so most likely you will force yourself to go to workouts. And if the subscription is designed for certain days of the week, you will do it not only regularly, but also systematically.

2. Pay for the coach's services

First, if you want to skip a workout, you will be bothered by the questions “What will they think of me if I don't come? Will they start studying with me next time? Because of me, the coach has a hole in the schedule. You will also think about the amount that you have already paid for the coach's services. Secondly, the coach will simplify your stay in the gym (of course, he will also load you a lot, but now we are talking about something else). The trainer will help you draw up a training program, give advice on a balanced diet, and familiarize you with the rules of the institution. You will come to training for real results, and leave with a sense of accomplishment and inner satisfaction. The case when sport is a pleasure.

3. Commit yourself to peers

The basketball team relies on you! How can you not come? How can you let your varsity boxing sparring partner down?

You will not be able to regularly skip workouts if you are bound by obligations to your teammates or the team.

The same is with pair training with a partner. Make a commitment, and you will definitely have to pull yourself out to workout.

4. Buy equipment

Are you firmly decided to go in for combat sambo? Great, then immediately buy a sambovka, belt, shorts, boxing gloves, mouth guard, helmet, leg guards and bandage. The knowledge that you have already paid a decent amount for special equipment will not allow you to abandon training.

5. State your intention publicly

Write a promise on Facebook or tell us about your endeavor on Twitter. If you do not want your acquaintances to make fun of you for a long time, you will have to fulfill the promise.

6. Argue

If you skip workouts, you will pay your friend the promised amount or do something that you hate to do. Risky, but the sport is worth it, right? And friends are just for such cases and are needed.

When reason and motivation stop working, tricks and life hacks come into play. Try it. At least out of curiosity.
