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How to draw an accident diagram correctly
How to draw an accident diagram correctly

A detailed road accident diagram will save you from problems with insurance and save time and nerves. The life hacker talks about all the nuances of drawing up a document.

How to draw an accident diagram correctly
How to draw an accident diagram correctly

Why draw an accident diagram

You may need to draw up a road accident scheme yourself in two cases. When there is no way to wait for traffic police officers due to the threat of a traffic jam or loss of important material evidence. And when the participants in the incident have no disagreements.

But this can be done only if:

  1. A maximum of two cars were involved in the accident.
  2. No people were injured in the accident.
  3. Both participants in the incident have OSAGO policies.
  4. The damage does not exceed 50 thousand rubles (400 thousand - for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

If at least one of the conditions is not met, self-registration of the accident scheme is not allowed.

The first step is to call the insurance company and report the accident.

How to draw a diagram

Then you can start drawing a diagram of the incident. To do this, you will need a blank sheet of paper and a blue ballpoint pen, which are best kept in the glove compartment for such cases. It is also advisable to use a ruler. If it is not at hand, which is likely, then you can draw lines on the diagram using a driver's license, credit card or other similar item.

Look around, ask passers-by or on the map for the address closest to the scene and record the exact time. All this will be needed when drawing up a diagram. Then find two eyewitnesses to the accident and ask them to act as witnesses.

1. Draw the road surface

Draw the road surface
Draw the road surface

First, depict the section of the road on which the accident occurred. Show the traffic situation schematically so that it is clear where the accident happened: on a straight section, at an intersection (and what type), or in a parking lot. So it will be easier for the traffic police to navigate the situation, determine which rules were violated and which of the participants in the accident is to blame.

2. Show the markup

Show the markup
Show the markup

One of the most important points when drawing up an accident scheme, which can play a key role in proving or refuting the guilt of one of the participants in an accident. Apply markings to the diagram, be sure to indicate the number of lanes, dividing lines, the edges of the carriageway, as well as additional markings such as pedestrian crossings, if any.

3. Display the direction of travel

Display the direction of movement
Display the direction of movement

Complete the diagram and use the arrows to indicate the direction of flow for each of the lanes. Note in which direction the participants in the accident were moving, whether they were overtaking, changing lanes or other maneuvers.

Particular attention should be paid to this point if the accident occurred at the intersection of roads.

4. Draw the position of the cars during the accident

Draw the position of the cars during the accident
Draw the position of the cars during the accident

Mark the vehicles of the participants in the accident to show their location in relation to each other before and after the collision. Any designation can be used, but most often cars are depicted as rectangles, marking the front with a triangle.

Instead of writing the make and model of each car, you just need to assign them a letter or number. For example, "A" and "B" or "1" and "2". Under the diagram, it will be possible to decipher them, indicating the full information and the nature of the damage received.

5. Indicate the trajectory of the cars

With the help of the trajectory plotted on the diagram, the traffic police and the insurance company will be able to correctly assess all the factors that influenced the accident in order to determine the culprit and assign compensation for damage.

The dotted line should depict the trajectory of both participants in the accident shortly before the accident, show their location. Braking marks, if any, must also be indicated on the diagram.

6. Snap to the terrain

Snap to the terrain
Snap to the terrain

The diagram shows the names of streets and directions of movement along them. Do not forget to mark nearby buildings and mark the edges of the roadway.

In addition, it is worth indicating the distance from the front and rear wheels of cars to the curb, as well as the distance from each of the cars to a post, tree or other stationary object.

7. Describe the details of the incident

Accident diagram: Describe the details of the accident
Accident diagram: Describe the details of the accident

At the end, you need to add important additional information to the diagram: road signs located near the accident site, traffic lights and their signals. All this will also help to establish the circumstances of the incident and make the right decision on it.

Please note that no corrections can be made to the schematic. Therefore, be extremely careful and avoid mistakes.

What information should be on the diagram

Without this data, the scheme may be recognized as incorrect, it will lose its legal force:

  1. Title. Sign the diagram. Add the full address of the accident site, indicating the city, street, house number, and also note the date and exact time of the accident.
  2. Contact details of all participants in the accident, including full name, residence addresses, telephones, driver's license numbers.
  3. Names and surnames of eyewitnesses, as well as their telephone numbers and addresses of residence.
  4. Explanation of symbols on the diagram indicating brands, models of cars and their license plates.
  5. Signatures. Make sure that all participants and witnesses of the accident put their signatures in front of their names.

What to do next

When the road accident diagram is ready, it is advisable to take several photos and videos from different angles so that the position of the cars, their numbers, and also the damage received can be seen.

After that, it will be possible to remove the cars to the side of the road or drive them to the nearest parking lot. And then wait for the traffic police officers or contact the nearest point later. If this is not done, then the insurance company may invalidate the scheme and refuse to pay damages.
