20 morning habits to help you lose weight
20 morning habits to help you lose weight

If you are one of those people who cannot lose weight in any way, you need to change your habits. Start in the morning and replace some of your routines with weight loss activities. Then gradually you will be able to lose excess without much effort and, most importantly, not to gain weight again.

20 morning habits to help you lose weight
20 morning habits to help you lose weight

- 1 -

Don't skip breakfast. Otherwise, you will definitely overeat during the day. Eat (coffee is not food) something in the first couple of hours after getting up.

- 2 -

Don't waste your morning preparing breakfast. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal overnight. This way you will definitely not miss out on breakfast. Add nuts, fruits, and cinnamon and you have a much more delicious and healthy meal than some of the stuff you bought from a vending machine at work.

- 3 -

Add protein. It will help you stay full longer. But give preference to quality sources of protein: eggs, fish, yogurt.

- 4 -

Forget about buns. Sweet fluffy buns may look attractive, but this is far from the best option for breakfast (as, indeed, lunch or dinner). Eat balanced meals such as a salmon sandwich on whole grain bread.

- 5 -

Drink green tea. Thanks to the catechins it contains, tea speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning.

Weight-loss habits: drink green tea
Weight-loss habits: drink green tea

- 6 -

Eat breakfast while sitting. As hectic as the morning seems, take 10 minutes to eat in peace. Sit down at the table and focus on food: this way both pleasure and saturation will be more.

- 7 -

Wake up earlier. Statistics show that those who get up early are slimmer and happier. Let this be an incentive for you to become a morning person and set your alarm early.

- 8 -

Remind yourself of the goal. Install an application on your smartphone that will remind you of your calorie intake. Or glue a piece of paper with this number in a prominent place. This will help you prioritize healthy foods throughout the day.

- 9 -

Weigh yourself regularly. This will help you remember to eat healthy. At the same time, you will never become one of those who "suddenly" gained 15 extra pounds.

- 10 -

Open the curtains. As soon as you get out of bed, let the sunlight into the room. It will help normalize circadian rhythms and metabolism. You will feel better and eat less.

Weight-loss habits: open the curtains
Weight-loss habits: open the curtains

- 11 -

Drink a glass of water. Water will both refresh and speed up metabolism and increase efficiency. Get in the habit of drinking more water.

- 12 -

Meditate … Start your morning with meditation: concentrate on breathing and pleasant thoughts, or better, stop the internal dialogue altogether. Reducing stress levels will help you avoid fat accumulation. And a positive attitude will replace sweets for you.

- 13 -

Exercise on an empty stomach … While you are still hungry, it is the fat reserves that will be consumed.

- 14 -

Get dressed before breakfast. Forget pajamas and a bathrobe at breakfast. Dress nicely and elegantly, even if you don't have to go to work today. This will help you feel more attractive and collected and prevent overeating.

- 15 -

Watch something funny … It has long been known that 10 minutes of laughter replaces a glass of sour cream, but does not add calories to you! On the contrary, in 10 minutes of watching funny videos or pictures, you will burn from 20 to 40 kcal. The main thing is not to hold back, laugh heartily.

Weight Loss Habits: Watch Something Fun
Weight Loss Habits: Watch Something Fun

- 16 -

Add pepper. First, it will make scrambled eggs, avocados, and sandwiches tastier. And secondly, the active components of black pepper will prevent the formation of new fat cells.

- 17 -

Add cinnamon. It helps control appetite.

- 18 -

Keep your protein bars ready. This is a good option for those times when you overslept and cannot eat breakfast. Just choose the bars wisely (without extra calories), or better - cook it yourself.

- 19 -

Do not separate the yolks. Many of those who want to lose weight give up yolks and only eat proteins. However, yolks, in addition to calories and fat, contain the bulk of the nutrients of the egg. It is better to eat fewer eggs, but whole.

- 20 -

Get enough sleep anyway. If you decide to get up early to exercise, make a delicious breakfast, or meditate, remember to go to bed earlier. Sleep as much as you need to stay alert and energized throughout the day.
