How to get away from an unpleasant conversation
How to get away from an unpleasant conversation

Each of us has topics that we would not like to discuss. But there is a way to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

How to get away from an unpleasant conversation
How to get away from an unpleasant conversation

Very often, relatives begin to elicit details of your personal life from you. This can happen not only in the family circle, but also in conversation with friends. On the one hand, you, of course, love them and do not want to be rude to them. On the other hand, they can touch on very sensitive topics.

Do you feel that at the next meeting you will have to extricate yourself from an awkward situation? This means that you need to think over a specific retreat plan in advance.

Come up with standard answers to unpleasant questions. They should be neutral but truthful.

For example, to your answer to a painful question about the welfare of your next of kin, add: "I think he would love to see you." If your interlocutor is really worried about him, then he will probably find a way to talk to him personally. It's just that sometimes people need to keep up the conversation and they don't even know they might hurt you.

Answer the question very briefly, and then quickly but imperceptibly change the topic of the conversation.

The topic should be similar to the one you started discussing. Then the interlocutor is unlikely to understand that you are avoiding the conversation. And even if he does notice it, he will certainly not return to the old topic, since that would be inappropriate.

For example:

- Why didn't your brother come? (In fact, you and your brother are in a quarrel and have not communicated for a long time).

- He decided to be alone a little. Although with you, perhaps, he would be happy to talk. How is your sister doing? I haven't seen her for a long time either.

So you will not devote a person to the details of his personal life, but at the same time he will not be offended at you.

Of course, you won't always be able to deftly avoid unpleasant conversations. If you are simply not able to discuss something, you should come up with an answer in advance.
