Table of contents:

Why does enuresis appear in children and what to do with it
Why does enuresis appear in children and what to do with it

The main thing you need to know is that this is most likely not dangerous and will soon pass.

Why does enuresis appear in children and what to do with it
Why does enuresis appear in children and what to do with it

If the child is less than 5 years old, he does not have enuresis. Yes, yes, even if he wakes up in a wet bed every morning. Up to this age, urinary incontinence is not considered a violation by Enuresis in Children - children, for quite natural reasons, still lack bladder control.

They talk about enuresis if it manifests itself at the age of over 5 years.

What are the symptoms of bedwetting in children

There are three main signs of urinary disorders:

  • Bed-wetting. Incidents repeat day after day or happen from time to time for 2-3 weeks or longer.
  • Daytime urinary incontinence. We are talking about cases when a child regularly wets his pants - for example, playing, frightened or simply "forgetting" to run to the toilet.
  • Incontinence at any time of the day and in any situation that occurs at least twice a week for three or more months.

What is enuresis in children?

By the age of 5, most babies are already able to control their bladder. But some defecate in bed at an older age.

By the age of 5, urinary incontinence persists in Enuresis in Children in 7% of boys and 3% of girls. By the age of 10, these numbers have declined: to 3% and 2%, respectively.

There are two types of enuresis:

  • Primary. It is incontinence that continues from infancy to this day, without significant interruptions.
  • Secondary. They talk about him if a child seems to have learned to control the bladder and even spent several months, or even years, without annoying incidents, but then they resumed again.

These types of incontinence have fundamentally different causes.

Why does primary enuresis occur in children and how to deal with it

Most often, primary enuresis is caused by one of the following Bedwetting Causes:

  • The child has not yet developed bladder control. In this case, we are talking about some developmental delay - most often absolutely not dangerous.
  • The child is sleeping too deeply. And does not have time to wake up in time to run to the toilet.
  • The child goes to bed with a full bladder. Or the body is over-producing urine at night.
  • The child has some problems with urination during the day. Perhaps he is embarrassed to ask for a toilet in a kindergarten or school. Due to the need to endure the urge to urinate, the sensitivity is dulled and at night such children simply lose control of the bladder.

How to help a child

Do not scold in any way. If we are talking about developmental delay, then the child is not to blame for it - just give him time to grow up. Well, to reduce the impact of other causes, do this for Enuresis in Children.

1. Limit fluid intake in the evening

Let the child drink his evening tea or cocoa no later than an hour and a half before bedtime.

2. Make sure your child uses less caffeine

Caffeine has a slight diuretic effect, which is completely out of place in case of enuresis. Therefore, no sugary soda, less tea, coffee drinks and chocolate.

3. Wake up your child at night on a schedule

For example, put him on a potty or take him to the toilet every two to three hours. This will set the child's body to urinate.

4. Analyze his trips to the bathroom during the day

Make sure that your child is not afraid to ask for a potty in the garden or school. Talk to your caregiver or teacher if necessary. Going to the toilet is a completely natural and not a shameful event, which should not cause even a shadow of embarrassment in children.

Why secondary enuresis occurs in children and how to treat it

But with this type of incontinence, the situation is more serious. Secondary enuresis is usually based on stress, emotional trauma, or even some kind of illness.

Here are some of the most common reasons a child starts wetting in bed or pants again:

  • Emotional problems. They may be associated with moving to a new kindergarten or school. Or with a conflict situation within the family. Or, let's say, with the birth of a brother or sister. Also, secondary urinary incontinence occurs in children who are physically or sexually abused.
  • Neurological problems. For example, incontinence is often associated with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In addition, the child's nervous system could have been affected by infection or injury.
  • Urinary tract infections. In the initial stages, they make themselves felt with an increased urge to urinate and the inability to hold urine.
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. To get rid of excess glucose, the body increases urine production. Therefore, frequent trips to the toilet and bedwetting can be early symptoms of this condition.
  • Hormonal problems. We can talk about a lack of vasopressin - antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - during sleep.
  • Individual physiological characteristics. For example, a too small or overactive bladder, muscle or kidney problems.

How to help a child

First, check the symptoms of bedwetting above. One or two incontinence cases are not yet cause for concern. Try the same approach as for primary bedwetting: limit fluid before bed, caffeinated drinks and foods, and lift your child up at night.

If this does not help and the incidents continue for at least several weeks, contact your pediatrician.

The doctor will conduct a physical examination, ask you about the child's lifestyle and the atmosphere in the family, kindergarten, school. Perhaps he will offer to pass urine and blood tests - they are necessary to detect a possible infection and establish blood sugar levels.

Depending on the results, the pediatrician will refer you to a narrower specialized specialist: a neurologist, endocrinologist, urologist or child psychotherapist. Or he will advise what changes to make to your lifestyle:

  • will develop a daily routine for the child;
  • select a diet;
  • will advise parents on how to behave with their son or daughter to reduce their stress.

And be that as it may, enuresis is successfully treated today - with the help of modern drugs, lifestyle correction, psychotherapy. You just need to feel free to contact a doctor with this problem.
