Table of contents:

What you can eat on a high protein diet
What you can eat on a high protein diet

This diet will help you lose weight. The main thing is to find the right products.

What you can eat on a high protein diet
What you can eat on a high protein diet

Where to begin

Let's first figure out how these diets work. Women need at least 50 g of protein per day, men - 60 g. Protein diets contain much more of them. You get these extra proteins from legumes, meat, nuts, eggs, seafood, cheese, soy. These diets limit the amount of carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to burn fat, and you lose weight. This condition is called ketosis. It helps the body to survive in conditions of a deficiency of carbohydrate foods. But ketosis can be dangerous for the body, especially for people with metabolic disorders. In addition, it causes unpleasant symptoms such as headache, irritability, and nausea.

When deciding on a protein diet, assess your health.

Study the different diets carefully. Choose one that includes plant-based proteins and some carbohydrates. Avoid fatty meats and remember to include vegetables in your diet. Ideally, you should talk to your doctor or dietitian and come up with a meal plan that suits your body.

What foods can you eat

Lean beef

This way you get a lot of healthy proteins, but less unhealthy fats. Lean beef (such as a tenderloin steak) contains almost as much saturated fat as a serving of skinless chicken breast.


Eat white chicken meat, not dark ones. It is much less fat. Also remember to remove the skin because it contains saturated fats. They are considered harmful to the cardiovascular system.


Pork has enough protein and not too much fat. Choose fillets, ribs, tenderloin steak, or shoulder blades.

A fish

It is very high in protein and almost always low in fat. You can even eat rather fatty fish like salmon and tuna. They contain omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart. We usually don't have enough of them in our diet.


It is a good source of healthy proteins. Although there is cholesterol in the yolk, it will not affect blood cholesterol levels. That rises from saturated fat and trans fat.


Protein isn't just found in animal products. A good plant source is soy. It is used to make tofu and other foods that can replace meat.


350 g of legumes contain the same amount of protein as 85 g of fried steak. In addition, they contain healthy dietary fiber. They help you stay full longer and lower your "bad" cholesterol (LDL).

Dairy products

Milk, cheese and yogurt contain not only proteins, but also calcium, which is good for bones and heart. Choose foods that are low in fat so you don't get too many calories.

Whole grains

High-protein diets limit the intake of grains. But they are needed at least in small quantities. Prefer whole grains. From these, you get fiber and nutrients.

When buying whole grain products, look at the label. Choose products that are low in sugar and fat.

Fruits and vegetables

Most low-carb diets allow vegetables but restrict fruits. It's okay if you skip fruit for a while to cut back on carbs. But after completing the diet, be sure to re-incorporate them into your diet. They are essential for health.
