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Should you be afraid of yolks
Should you be afraid of yolks

They contain cholesterol, saturated fat and more.

Should you be afraid of yolks
Should you be afraid of yolks

Why yolks are considered harmful

On fitness forums, you can often find Is Egg Yolk Bad for Health recommendation to refuse yolks. They say they have a bad effect on the cardiovascular system and increase weight.

The potential harm to yolks is associated with their composition.

There is a lot of cholesterol in the yolks

This is true. One yolk weighs about 20 g and contains Egg, yolk, raw, fresh up to 300 mg of cholesterol (for comparison: in 20 g, for example, ground beef less than 20 mg of cholesterol).

Until recently, it was believed that more than 300 mg per day should not be eaten without harm to health. And for people who had an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, doctors even recommended to limit the intake of cholesterol from food to 200 mg per day.

Experts from the American Heart Association advised The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health to eat no more than three eggs a week!

They are high in saturated fat

This is also a fact. Up to 2 g per yolk is quite an impressive amount.

Saturated fat can actually lead Facts about saturated fats to heart disease and weight gain. Therefore, WHO recommends Healthy Diet not to abuse them.

Why most people should still eat yolks

Cholesterol in food has little effect on blood cholesterol

In 2016, the restriction on consuming no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day was lifted. In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (a set of rules for healthy eating regularly published by the US Department of Health), for the first time in many decades, experts did not specify the Current Dietary Guidelines: 2015-2020 upper daily cholesterol limit.

And all because scientists have better understood the nature of this substance. And we came to the conclusion that the cholesterol that we get from food, in most cases, does not affect its level in the blood in any way.

The fact is that cholesterol itself is a vital thing. He participates in Cholesterol in a huge number of processes: the synthesis of vitamin D, the production of steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone), the production of bile acids, without which healthy digestion is impossible. Therefore, our body carefully monitors that its level does not change Dietary Cholesterol Feeding Suppresses Human Cholesterol Synthesis Measured by Deuterium Incorporation and Urinary Mevalonic Acid Levels.

If you get too little cholesterol from your food, your liver begins to produce more cholesterol. If, on the other hand, you eat a lot of cholesterol-containing foods, the liver reduces production.

So the consumption of eggs in general and yolks in particular does not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood and does not increase Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Moreover: eggs in the diet are not harmful Effects of egg ingestion on endothelial function in adults with coronary artery disease: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. even for those who already have cardiovascular disease.

Not too much saturated fat

The WHO recommends reducing saturated fat intake to 10% of total calories. If your daily caloric intake is 2,000 calories, you can get about 20 grams of saturated fat without harm to your health. In the yolk, recall, only 2 g - 10 times less than the permissible value.

For comparison, a slice of bacon contains up to 9 grams. A cheeseburger contains about 10 grams. If you want to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet, it is better to skip fast food than full of healthy yolks.

In general, the harm of saturated fat is often exaggerated. Much more dangerous are trans fats, which are found in fast food, store baked goods, fried foods. They are really worth giving up.

There are many vitamins and minerals in the yolks

The yolk contains all The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health vitamins, except ascorbic acid. It is enough to eat a couple of yolks to overlap the daily intake of vitamins by 10-30%.

In addition, this product contains a lot of selenium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc. And other nutrients. For example, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Yolks help you eat less

To be precise, the effect of yolks has not been studied separately. But eating eggs really does help longer Consuming eggs for breakfast influences plasma glucose and ghrelin, while reducing energy intake during the next 24 hours in adult men. feel full. This means eggs can be recommended for those seeking weight control.

Yolks Promote Brain Health

They contain choline (vitamin B4), which is critical for the functioning of the brain and nervous system in general. It is on its basis that the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is produced, which is responsible for the correct transmission of nerve impulses in the body.

There is so much choline in yolks that eggs are considered the main one Usual Choline Intakes Are Associated with Egg and Protein Food Consumption in the United States. its source in the diet of US residents.

How many yolks can you eat per day

In the vast majority of studies, people were not given more than 3 eggs per day. This dose can be considered unambiguously healthy. But everything that exceeds it is still uncharted territory for science.

However, there is an interesting thematic work Normal plasma cholesterol in an 88-year-old man who eats 25 eggs a day. Mechanisms of adaptation., in which scientists studied an 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs a day. He had normal cholesterol levels and was generally in good health.

Who needs to eat yolks more accurately?

Despite the usefulness of yolks, there are people who really need to reduce the number of eggs in their diet or avoid them altogether. Are They Whole Eggs and Egg Yolks Bad For You, or Good?:

  • Genetically predisposed to high blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has an overreaction to cholesterol coming from food.
  • Eats a lot of fatty foods and fast food. Such people need to adjust their diet in order to bring the amount of fat to a healthy level.
  • Has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The yolks are just hard to digest.

Also, those who have type II diabetes should be more careful with the yolks. If you fall into any of these categories, talk to your doctor or therapist and follow their recommendations.
