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How to stop whining and take action
How to stop whining and take action

When your plans are not implemented, goals are not achieved and everything falls out of hand, do not blame the circumstances. Here are three tips to help you gather your willpower and get what you want.

How to stop whining and take action
How to stop whining and take action

We constantly say that we need to think over everything, calculate everything, but in the end we do nothing. A lot of doubts appear, we are moving away from the goal that was originally, or we are lowering the bar to a minimum. It also often happens that we suddenly made up our minds, but it’s too late and that very opportunity to come to success was missed.

What is it that keeps us from doing great things all the time? Whining, my friends! If something does not work out for us or we are dissatisfied with the result, then we constantly find the reason in the external world, blame other people, circumstances, lack of motivation for our failure. Although, by and large, no one except us is to blame for it. We do not take responsibility and therefore become led in a situation where we should be a leader.

By taking responsibility for ourselves, we can control the result.

American multimillionaire, motivation and sales coach Grant Cardone has become a real leader not only in business, but also in life and continues to motivate people around the world to achieve ambitious goals. Let's see what he advises.

1. Have a “Yes, I can” point of view

To begin with, leaders always follow the “Yes, I can” attitude. They are 100% sure that the result is not just achievable, but real even under the most difficult circumstances. This attitude determines how ready you are to go towards the goal, and puts everything in its place. People with the attitude “Yes, I can” constantly say: “Let's figure it out”, “We can do it”, “Let's do it” and thus claim that anything is possible. Aim for a level where “Yes, I can” becomes common and everything else is unacceptable.

2. Completely devote yourself to the cause

This is the hallmark of truly successful people. After all, in life we are constantly only trying, but we do not put maximum effort into the business, since we are not sure that we will achieve the desired result. There are too many people now who do not finish their business and try to do something else.

To fully devote oneself to a cause means choosing a path and saying to oneself: "There is no turning back."

It's like jumping into the water: there is no chance of getting out dry.

3. Take large-scale actions

Now let's talk about the actions we take to achieve our goals. Most people fail because they don't put in enough effort to achieve a goal. And all because they incorrectly assess the scale of the necessary actions.

Action at scale is the only sure way to achieve your goals, says Grant Cardone. They bring much more results than you expect. Take, for example, an artist's work. If he draws one picture and comes with it only to one gallery, then the probability of selling it is not very high. But if an artist draws 10 paintings and takes them all to 10 galleries, then the probability that he will sell at least one (and most likely not one) is much greater than in the first case.

When you start to act on a large scale, you will see how your attitude, your goal and the result will change.

Before starting to achieve a goal, we usually think about why we might not achieve it. And then a list of reasons appears. This is the wrong approach. As soon as we stop thinking about failure and fully devote ourselves to the goal, we will act on a large scale - we will get closer to what we want.
