Table of contents:

How not to meet online
How not to meet online

Template compliments, excessive assertiveness, dikpiks and other techniques that no one likes.

How not to meet online
How not to meet online

1. Start a dialogue with "Hello, how are you?"

And also copy ready-made tackles from different ancient selections. Well, you know, all those "Your eyes are shining like stars!" or "They called me from heaven and said that the most beautiful angel had escaped from them."

The stereotyped "greetings" and compliments, firstly, show that your fantasy is not very good. And secondly, they give out that the interlocutor is not at all interesting to you. And you are too lazy to spend two minutes on his profile and figure out how to start a dialogue.

If a person has hooked you with anything other than appearance, you will find something to say. Nobody expects poems or jokes of the professional stand-up comedian level. Just tell us about yourself, explain what exactly you liked the interlocutor, why you write to him and what you are looking for on the site.

2. Ignore the questionnaire

"But who needs to read these questionnaires, there is not enough time for all!" - the one who thinks so will have many unpleasant surprises. For example, he will invite the girl he likes to a steakhouse and will receive an indignant refusal. Because she is a vegetarian and wrote about it in her profile. Or a woman, tuned in to a serious relationship, only after a few days of communication learns that a new acquaintance is looking for a partner for sex. And marriage and children are not of interest to him.

It is unlikely that you want to spoil your mood and waste time on "not your" person. So do not be lazy to fill out your profile and carefully read other people's.

3. Immediately insist on a meeting

Especially if you are not looking for one-time sex, but a serious relationship. First, it can be dangerous - especially for women. And some alarm bells - rudeness, aggression or possessive habits - can be caught even before the meeting.

Secondly, a date can end up in a spoiled mood. Tell, for example, that you are reading books by Dawkins or other scientific atheists, and a new acquaintance will have bloodshot eyes, because he is a deeply religious person. Although such moments could surface even at the stage of correspondence.

By the way, before the meeting, it would not hurt to ask the interlocutor for the address of the page on the social network and google if he is wanted, if he has debts and other skeletons in the closet. And be sure to tell your loved ones where and with whom you are going.

4. Compliment

Surprise: Not everyone likes compliments. Especially if they are vulgar and relate only to appearance, not personal qualities. Some women believe that a compliment is a sign that the other person is interested in her only as a beautiful picture, and not as a person.

Yes, even if the photos are incredibly beautiful there. Most likely, in social networks, a person communicates with friends, sticks to memes and listens to music, so he will not be too happy if a stranger knocks on him in a personal.

An advertisement for a job search or sale of a bicycle is also, oddly enough, not a reason for dating. A person wants to earn extra money, and not find a spouse or lover. Therefore, if you are still trying to get to know each other on sites that are not intended for this, be prepared to be rejected.

8. Do not accept rejection

Not responding to your message? Or do they answer, but with a firm and decisive refusal? Say goodbye, erase your chat history, and look for someone else. Even if he or she really liked you. Even if you think that you were refused unfairly. “No” means “no”, so there is no need to bombard a person with messages, pressure, manipulate, insult, track down on social networks. Perhaps someone will consider it romantic, and someone may write a statement to the police.
